Desperate reader [Regulatives / Guidelines]
with great interest I read two recent papers.1,2
On the author posted:
- A short time back I had a paper published showing that a major issue with current statistical software is that the model is mis-specified when one uses a mixed model to evaluate a semi-replicate BE trials. […]
- Work with the wrong model and the software may not converge.
- Work with the right model but major stats packages do not support it, and
they do not derive a CI for T/R.
One of the conclusions drawn is that if we want to evaluate the data with a mixed model without running into model/convergence issues then we need to specify the covariance matrix \(\small{V }\) without using \(\small{V = ZGZ^t + R}\).
Even so there is still no recipe for deriving the confidence interval. Hence, the options with the mixed model are:
- That is an agonizing choice. This has huge practical implications.
I absolutely agree with this statement.
However, what can we do? We need the bloody confidence interval. At the end of the day we are left out in the rain if we are dealing with a partial replicate design and the study has to be evaluated for average bioequivalence (according to the ’s wishful thinking if \(\small{s_\textrm{wR}<0.294}\)).
To obtain the variance components which are estimable and the point estimate is just not enough. As long as we can’t get the standard error of the treatment difference and its associated degrees of freedom, we are at a loss. Hence, I repeat my mantra:
Avoid the partial replicate design
if intended for RSABE and if
there is even the slightest chance that you have to assess it for ABE.
Of note: I used the supplementary script and got for
res <- Run.REML()
PE <- 100 * exp(res$Fixed.eff[["TrtT", 1]] - res$Fixed.eff[["TrtR", 1]])
print(res); cat("PE", PE, "\n")
[1] "The model converged."
[1] 15.33728
TrtT 8.02569184
TrtR 8.00330042
Per1 -0.04811877
Per2 -0.04682231
SeqRTR 0.00385480
SeqRRT -0.05092437
Var.Component Ini.guess REML.Estimate
1 varT 0.06841615 0.07049570
2 varBR 0.03576077 0.03621596
3 varWR 0.01240137 0.01324664
4 varBRT 0.03576077 0.04563785
PE 102.2644
Pretty close to the modified script we discussed last year (given at the end). Much faster than mine.
Nelder-Mead optimization (31.6 seconds)
LogLikelihood 75.98722
Evaluations 239
Successful completion.
Component Initial Estimate
sigma²(T) 0.06841615 0.07049451
sigma²(bR) 0.03576077 0.03621602
sigma²(wR) 0.01240137 0.01324648
covar(bTbR) 0.05208846 0.04563728
Parameter Estimate
sigma(T) 0.2655080
CV(T) 27.026%
sigma(bR) 0.1903051
CV(bR) 19.204%
sigma(wR) 0.1150934
CV(wR) 11.548%
PE 102.2644%
- Fuglsang A. Professor Endrenyi’s Legacy: An Evaluation of the Regulatory Requirement “Fixed Effects, Rather Than Random Effects, Should Be Used for All Terms”. J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2021; 24: 413–20. doi:10.18433/jpps31872. Open access.
- Fuglsang A. Mitigation of the convergence issues associated with semi-replicated bioequivalence data. Pharm Stat. 2021. Early View. doi:10.1002/pst.2142.
# Section 1: Housekeeping #
GetData <- function(path, sep, dec) {
# read data from a CSV-file
if (missing(sep)) sep <- ","
if (!sep %in% c(",", ";", "t"))
stop("Column separator must be any of ',', ';', 't'.")
if (sep == "t") sep <- "\t"
if (missing(dec)) dec <- "."
if (!dec %in% c(".", ","))
stop("Decimal separator must be '.', or ','.")
# strip quotes and skip eventual commentary lines
D <- read.csv(path, sep = sep, dec = dec,
quote = "", comment.char = "#")
names(D) <- c("Subj", "Per", "Seq", "Trt", "Y")
cols <- c("Subj", "Per", "Seq", "Trt")
D[cols] <- lapply(D[cols], factor)
CreateX <- function(D) {
# first the two treatments
TrtT <- as.numeric(as.character(D$Trt) == "T")
TrtR <- as.numeric(as.character(D$Trt) == "R")
X <- cbind(TrtT, TrtR)
R <- qr(X)$rank
# now the periods
for (p in unique(D$Per)) {
v <- as.numeric(D$Per == p)
XX <- data.frame(X, v)
names(XX)[ncol(XX)] <- paste0("P", p)
rnk <- qr(XX)$rank
if (rnk > R) {
X <- XX
R <- rnk
for (q in unique(D$Seq)) {
v <- as.numeric(D$Seq == q)
XX <- data.frame(X, v)
names(XX)[ncol(XX)] <- paste0("Q", q)
rnk <- qr(XX)$rank
if (rnk > R) {
X <- XX
R <- rnk
Create.CovM <- function(Params) {
# block diagonal covariance matrix
varT <- Params[1]
varBR <- Params[2]
varWR <- Params[3]
varRT <- Params[4]
Nobs <- length(D$Y)
V <- matrix(0, ncol = Nobs, nrow = Nobs)
for (iRow in 1:Nobs) {
for (iCol in 1:Nobs) {
if (iCol == iRow) { # diagonal elements
if (D$Trt[iRow] == "T") {
V[iRow, iCol] <- V[iRow, iCol] + varT
} else {
V[iRow, iCol] <- V[iRow, iCol] + varWR + varBR
} else { # off diagonal elements
if (D$Subj[iRow] == D$Subj[iCol]) {
if (D$Trt[iCol] == D$Trt[iRow]) {
V[iRow, iCol] <- V[iRow, iCol] + varBR
} else {
V[iRow, iCol] <- V[iRow, iCol] + varRT
# Section 2: Matrix things #
Obj.F12 <- function(Pars) {
j <<- j + 1
int[[j]] <<- Pars
# this is line 3 of page 10 of:
CovM <- Create.CovM(Pars)
A <- -0.5*log(det(CovM))
# Note: NaNs can be proceded in the next line.
B <- suppressWarnings(-0.5*log(det(t(X) %*% solve(CovM) %*% X)))
est.b <- solve(t(X) %*% solve(CovM) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% solve(CovM) %*% y
tmp <- y - X %*% est.b
C <- -0.5 *(t(tmp) %*% solve(CovM) %*% tmp)
C <- as.numeric(C) # make a scalar for other solvers
return(A + B + C)
Final <- function(Pars) {
CovM <- Create.CovM(Pars)
tmp <- solve(t(X) %*% solve(CovM) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% solve(CovM) %*% y
PE <- exp(as.numeric(tmp["TrtT", ] - tmp["TrtR", ]))
# Section 3: Execution #
Some.Initial.Guesses <- function(check = FALSE) {
# design (all possible ones, error handling, full or partial)
subjs <- unique(as.numeric(D$Subj))
trts <- sort(unique(as.character(D$Trt)), decreasing = TRUE)
if (!length(trts) == 2) stop("Only two treatments supported.")
if (sum(!trts %in% c("T", "R")) !=0)
stop("treatments must be coded as 'T' and 'R'.")
seqs <- sort(unique(as.character(D$Seq)), decreasing = TRUE) # T first
type <- paste(seqs, collapse = "|") # identifier
nseq <- length(unique(as.character(D$Seq)))
nper <- length(unique(as.numeric(D$Per)))
nsubj <- length(subjs)
if (nchar(type) == 19) { # 4-period 4-sequence full replicate designs
if (nper != 4) stop("4 periods required in this full replicate design.")
if (nseq != 4) stop("4 sequences required in this full replicate design.")
des <- "full"
if (nchar(type) == 9) { # 4-period full replicate designs
if (nper != 4) stop("4 periods required in this full replicate design.")
if (nseq != 2) stop("2 sequences required in this full replicate design.")
des <- "full"
if (nchar(type) == 7) { # 3-period replicates
if (type %in% c("TRT|RTR", "TRR|RTT")) {
if (nper != 3) stop("3 periods required in this full replicate design.")
if (nseq != 2) stop("2 sequences required in this full replicate design.")
des <- "full"
if (type == "TRR|RTR") {
if (nper != 3) stop("3 periods required in the extra-reference design.")
if (nseq != 2) stop("2 sequences required in the extra-reference design.")
des <- "partial"
if (nchar(type) == 11) { # Balaam's design or 3-sequence partial
if (!type == "TR|RT|TT|RR") { # Balamm's
if (nper != 3) stop("3 periods required in this partial replicate design.")
if (nseq != 3) stop("3 sequences required in this partial replicate design.")
des <- "partial"
} else { # TRT|RTR|RRT
if (nper != 2) stop("2 periods required in Balaam's design.")
if (nseq != 4) stop("4 sequences required in Balaam's design.")
des <- "full"
if (type == "TR|RT") stop("TR|RT design not supported yet.")
gm.T <- gm.R <- numeric(nsubj) # vector of geometric means
for (subj in seq_along(subjs)) {
gm.T[subj] <- mean(log(D$Y[which(D$Subj == subj & D$Trt == "T")]))
gm.R[subj] <- mean(log(D$Y[which(D$Subj == subj & D$Trt == "R")]))
# remove NAs
gm.T <- gm.T[!]
gm.R <- gm.R[!]
if (des == "partial") { # guess varT (between + within)
m <- lm(log(Y) ~ Seq + Per, data = D[D$Trt == "T", ])
varT <- anova(m)["Residuals", "Mean Sq"]
} else { # guess VarWT
m <- lm(log(Y) ~ Seq + Per + Subj, data = D[D$Trt == "T", ])
varWT <- anova(m)["Residuals", "Mean Sq"]
# guess VarWR
m <- lm(log(Y) ~ Seq + Per + Subj, data = D[D$Trt == "R", ])
varWR <- anova(m)["Residuals", "Mean Sq"]
# guess varBR
m <- lm(log(Y) ~ Seq + Per, data = D[D$Trt == "R", ])
varBR <- anova(m)["Residuals", "Mean Sq"] - varWR
# TODO: full replicates
varRT <- 0.5 * (varT + varBR)
rslt <- c(varT, varBR, varWR, varRT)
MyREML <- function(maxit = 1000, method = "Nelder-Mead") {
Ini <- Some.Initial.Guesses()
ptm <- proc.time()[[3]]
F <- optim(par = Ini, fn = Obj.F12, method = method,
control = list(reltol = 1E-12, maxit = maxit,
fnscale = -1))
et <- proc.time()[[3]] - ptm
Nms <- c("var_T", "var_bR", "var_wR", "covar_bTbR")
X <- data.frame(Nms, Ini, F$par)
names(X) <- c("Component", "Initial", "Estimate")
if (F$convergence == 0) msg <- "Successful completion."
if (F$convergence == 1) msg <- paste("Iteration limit", maxit, "reached.")
if (F$convergence == 10) msg <- "Degeneracy of the Nelder–Mead simplex."
cat(paste0("\nNelder-Mead optimization (", signif(et, 3), " seconds)"),
"\n LogLikelihood", F$value,
"\n Evaluations ", F$counts[["function"]], "\n ", msg, "\n")
# Data has to have five columns in this order:
# Subject (numeric), Period (numeric), Sequence (character),
# Treatment (character), Response (numeric)
# Column separator 'sep' comma (default), semicolon, or t (tab)
# Decimal separator 'dec' period (default) or comma
path <- "" # EMA partial replicate
D <- res <- PE <- int <- NULL # nullify eventual previous data and results
D <- GetData(path)
X <- CreateX(D)
y <- log(D$Y)
# capture intermediate results:
j <- 0
int <- list()
# the workhorse
# optional arguments:
# maxit = X to reduce the number of iterations from the default 1000
# plot = TRUE for a plot of the progress of optimization
# print = TRUE to print the progress of optimization
res <- MyREML()
res[, 1] <- c("sigma\u00B2(T)", "sigma\u00B2(bR)",
"sigma\u00B2(wR)", "covar(bTbR)")
fin <- data.frame(Parameter = c("sigma(T)", "CV(T)",
"sigma(bR)", "CV(bR)",
"sigma(wR)", "CV(wR)", "PE"),
Estimate = NA_real_)
for (j in 1:3) {
fin$Estimate[j * 2 - 1] <- sprintf("%.7f", sqrt(res[j, 3]))
fin$Estimate[j * 2] <- sprintf("%3.3f%%", 100 * mse2CV(res[j, 3]))
fin$Estimate[7] <- sprintf("%3.4f%%", 100 * Final(res$Estimate))
int <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(int), nrow = length(int),
byrow = TRUE))
if (is.null(attr(dev.list(), "names"))) windows(width = 6.5, height = 4)
# variance components
lbls <- c(expression(sigma[T]^2),
cols <- c("darkgreen", "blue", "magenta", "red")
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mar = c(3.3, 3.1, 1.6, 4.1), mgp = c(2.2, 0.5, 0), lend = 2,
ljoin = 1, tcl = 0.25, cex.axis = 0.8)
plot(1:nrow(int), int$X1, type = "n", ylim = range(int), log = "x",
xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Estimate", main = "Progress of optimization",
cex.lab = 0.95, cex.main = 1, font.main = 1, axes = FALSE)
axis(2, las = 1)
ax <- axTicks(1, log = TRUE)
for (j in 1:4) {
lines(1:nrow(int), int[, j], type="s", lwd = 2, col = cols[j])
shadowtext(sqrt(2), int[1, j], cex = 0.65, pos = 3,
labels = signif(int[1, j], 4), col = cols[j],
bg = "white", r = 0.2)
shadowtext(nrow(int)*0.9, tail(int[, j], 1), cex = 0.65, pos = 3,
labels = signif(tail(int[, j], 1), 4), col = cols[j],
bg = "white", r = 0.2)
mtext(lbls[j], 4, at = tail(int[, j], 1), cex = 0.8, line = 0.5, las = 1)
print(res, row.names = FALSE); cat("\n"); print(fin, row.names = FALSE)
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
- Desperate readerHelmut 2021-08-27 15:51 [Regulatives / Guidelines]
- Desperate reader ElMaestro 2021-08-27 22:18
- Misunderstanding? Helmut 2021-08-27 23:54
- Misunderstanding? ElMaestro 2021-08-28 10:00
- Here we are Helmut 2021-08-28 10:38
- Misunderstanding? ElMaestro 2021-08-28 10:00
- Misunderstanding? Helmut 2021-08-27 23:54
- Papers Mahmoud 2021-09-17 13:31
- FDA: PROC MIXED (‼) for ABE Helmut 2021-09-17 15:15
- FDA: PROC MIXED (‼) for ABE Mahmoud 2021-09-17 15:24
- FDA: PROC MIXED (‼) for ABE Helmut 2021-09-17 17:11
- FDA: PROC MIXED (‼) for ABE Mahmoud 2021-09-17 15:24
- FDA: PROC MIXED (‼) for ABE Helmut 2021-09-17 15:15
- Desperate reader ElMaestro 2021-08-27 22:18