Williams design 3-way [Design Issues]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2021-06-09 19:48 (1191 d 11:12 ago) – Posting: # 22399
Views: 11,368

Hi Brus,

❝ I have a question on this topic that you mentioned a long time ago: […]

Please read the entire thread. What I posted in 2007 is obsolete. See also this article.

❝ According to what you said, 6 sequences had to be done with a 3-way study to get balanced sequences on the two 2x2 tablets. But, with following approach, balanced sequences would also be achieved:





That’s not balanced for carryover. However, since we cannot correct for unequal carryover anyway (see there), we have to avoid it by design, i.e., sufficiently long washouts between treatment periods.

❝ It's possible? What problems would it have?

What is your idea behind such a design? Actually a simple Latin Square (ABC|BCA|CAB) would do as well. If you want to make European assessors happy, opt for the 6-sequence Williams’ design.

Most important: Evaluate the study by the ‘Two at a Time’ approach.

❝ It is not williams square design, right?


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