AUC from 0 to tau at steady state [NCA / SHAM]
❝ I just come accross a topic relating to calculation of AUC from 0 to tau at steady state
❝ Should the concentration for time point zero (for calculation of AUC from 0 to tau) be somehow related to the pre-dose concentrations …
❝ … or set to zero where I think setting to zero would be in-line with the principle of superposition (e.g. have a look here).
Why on earth would you ignore the measured pre-dose concentration and impute zero instead?
Since I’m guilty for that one …
… I had the script to generate it. See the one on steroids at the end.
Model C0 Cmax Cτ AUC0.25 AUCτ AUC∞
0.000 60.959 20.839 1.556 962.047 1322.815
NCA (AUC by lin-up/log-down trapezoidal)
Dose C0 Cmax Cτ AUC0.25 AUCτ AUC∞
1 0.000 60.959 20.839 1.508 960.939 1321.727
2 20.839 77.648 26.048 6.681 1231.522
3 26.048 81.953 27.351 7.974 1299.168
4 27.351 83.030 27.676 8.297 1316.079
Inf 27.785 83.389 27.785 8.405 1321.716
C0,ss forced to zero 4.932 1318.243
If you force the pre-dose concentration to zero, you fall into a trap (see there for a similar case but the other way ’round).
Get the concentrations after the 4th dose with
superposition(tau, t, 4)
Correct (trapezoid)$$\small{AUC_{0-0.25}=0.5\times(0.25-0)\times(27.351+39.026)=8.297}$$Wrong (triangle)$$\small{AUC_{0-0.25}=0.5\times(0.25-0)\times39.026=4.878}$$Check
trap.linlog(t, superposition(tau, t, 4), 0, tau)$pAUC[2]
# [1] 8.297082
trap.linlog(t, c(0, superposition(tau, t, 4)[2:length(t)]), 0, tau)$pAUC[2]
# [1] 4.878223
one.comp <- function(f, D, V, k01, k10, t, p.t, t.last) { # no lagtime
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(k01, k10))) { # common: k01 ≠ k10
C <- f*D*k01/(V*(k01-k10))*(exp(-k10*t)-exp(-k01*t))
tmax <- log(k01/k10)/(k01-k10)
Cmax <- f*D*k01/(V*(k01-k10))*(exp(-k10*tmax)-exp(-k01*tmax))
AUC <- f*D/V/k10
x <- micro.macro(f, D, V, k01, k10)
pAUC <- (x$C[["A"]]-x$C[["A"]]*exp(-x$E[["alpha"]]*p.t))/x$E[["alpha"]]+
AUCt <- (x$C[["A"]]-x$C[["A"]]*exp(-x$E[["alpha"]]*t.last))/x$E[["alpha"]]+
} else { # flip-flop
k <- k10
C <- f*D/V*k*t*exp(-k*t)
tmax <- 1/k
Cmax <- f*D/V*k*tmax*exp(-k*tmax)
AUC <- f*D/V/k
pAUC <- AUCt <- NA # no idea
res <- list(C = C, tmax = tmax, Cmax = Cmax,
AUC = AUC, pAUC = pAUC, AUCt = AUCt)
micro.macro <- function(f, D, V, k01, k10) {
# Coefficients (C) and exponents (E)
C <- f*D*k01/(V*(k01-k10))
C <- setNames(c(-C, +C), c("A", "B"))
E <- setNames(c(k01, k10), c("alpha", "beta"))
macro <- list(C = C, E = E)
trap.linlog <- function(t, C, t.first, t.last) {
pAUC.linlog <- 0
for (j in seq(which(t == t.first), which(t == t.last))) {
if (t[j] == t.first) { # first triangle if 0
pAUC.linlog <- c(pAUC.linlog, 0.5*(t[j]-t[j-1])*C[j])
} else {
if (C[j] >= C[j-1]) { # linear up
pAUC.linlog <- c(pAUC.linlog, 0.5*(t[j]-t[j-1])*(C[j]+C[j-1]))
} else { # log down
pAUC.linlog <- c(pAUC.linlog,
AUC.linlog <- cumsum(pAUC.linlog)
res <- list(pAUC = pAUC.linlog, AUC = tail(AUC.linlog, 1))
lz <- function(t, C) {
m <- lm(log(C) ~ t)
superposition <- function(tau, t, N) {
x <- micro.macro(f, D, V, k01, k10)
if (!N == Inf) { # Nth dose: Gibaldi/Perrier (3.18)
f.alpha <- (1-exp(-N*x$E[["alpha"]]*tau))/
f.beta <- (1-exp(-N*x$E[["beta"]]*tau))/
C <- f.alpha*x$C[["A"]]*exp(-x$E[["alpha"]]*t) +
} else { # Steady state: Gibaldi/Perrier (3.19)
C <- x$C[["A"]]*exp(-x$E[["alpha"]]*t)/
(1-exp(-x$E[["alpha"]]*tau)) +
# input #
f <- 2/3
D <- 400
V <- 3.49
t12.01 <- 1
t12.10 <- 12
k01 <- log(2)/t12.01
k10 <- log(2)/t12.10
tau <- 24
doses <- 4
t <- c(0, 0.25, 0.6, 1, 1.5, 1.83, 2.23, 2.71, 3.3,
3.910868183, 4.89, 5.95, 7.24, 8.77798079, 10.9,
13.53, 16.8, 20.84355645, 24) # crazy but good looking
res <- one.comp(f, D, V, k01, k10, t, t[2], tau) # model
t.first <- t[!$C)][1]
t.last <- rev(t[!$C)])[1]
lambda.z <- lz(t = tail(t, 3), tail(res$C, 3))
C0.sup <- Ctau.sup <- setNames(rep(NA, doses-1), paste0("dose.", 2:doses))
Cmax.sup <- AUC.sup <- setNames(rep(NA, doses-1), paste0("dose.", 2:doses))
pAUC.sup <- setNames(rep(NA, doses-1), paste0("dose.", 2:doses))
for (dose in 2:doses) {
C <- superposition(tau, dose)
C0.sup[dose-1] <- C[1]
Ctau.sup[dose-1] <- tail(C, 1)
Cmax.sup[dose-1] <- max(C)
x <- trap.linlog(t, C, 0, tau)
AUC.sup[dose-1] <- x$AUC
pAUC.sup[dose-1] <- x$pAUC[2]
} <- superposition(tau, Inf) <- trap.linlog(t,, 0, tau)$AUC <- c(0,[2:length(]) <- trap.linlog(t,, 0, tau)$AUC
heading <- paste(" C0 Cmax C\u03C4 AUC0.25 AUC\u03C4 AUC\u221E")
txt <- paste("\nModel", heading, "\n",
sprintf("%10.3f", head(res$C, 1)), sprintf("%6.3f", res$Cmax),
sprintf("%6.3f", tail(res$C, 1)), sprintf("%7.3f", res$pAUC),
sprintf("%8.3f", res$AUCt), sprintf("%8.3f", res$AUC))
txt <- paste(txt, "\nNCA (AUC by lin-up/log-down trapezoidal)\nDose ", heading,
"\n ", 1, sprintf("%6.3f", head(res$C, 1)),
sprintf("%6.3f", max(res$C)), sprintf("%6.3f", tail(res$C, 1)),
sprintf("%7.3f", trap.linlog(t, res$C, 0, tail(t, 1))$pAUC[2]),
sprintf("%8.3f", trap.linlog(t, res$C, 0, tail(t, 1))$AUC),
trap.linlog(t, res$C, 0, tau)$AUC+tail(res$C, 1)/lambda.z))
for (j in seq_along(C0.sup)) {
txt <- paste(txt, "\n ", j+1,
sprintf("%6.3f", C0.sup[j]), sprintf("%6.3f", Cmax.sup[j]),
sprintf("%6.3f", Ctau.sup[j]), sprintf("%7.3f", pAUC.sup[j]),
sprintf("%8.3f", AUC.sup[j]))
txt <- paste(txt, "\n Inf",
sprintf("%6.3f",[1]), sprintf("%6.3f", max(,
sprintf("%6.3f", tail(, 1)),
sprintf("%7.3f", trap.linlog(t,, 0, tail(t, 1))$pAUC[2]),
txt <- paste(txt, "\nC0,ss forced to zero",
sprintf("%12.3f", trap.linlog(t,, 0, tail(t, 1))$pAUC[2]),
sprintf("%8.3f",, "\n")
cat(txt, "\n")
# Steady state plot #
t1 <- t[1:2]
C1 <-[1:2]
C0 <-[1:2]
tm <- seq(0, t[2], length.out = 501)
Cm <- superposition(tau, tm, Inf) = 4.5, height = 4.5)
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mar = c(3.4, 3.1, 0, 0.1), cex.axis = 0.9)
plot(t1, C1, type = "n", ylim = c(0, max(C1)),
xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE)
mtext(expression(italic(t)*" (h)"), 1, line = 2.5)
mtext(expression(italic(C)[ss]*" (µg/mL)"), 2, line = 2)
grid(nx = NA, ny = NULL)
polygon(c(t1, rev(t1)), c(rep(0, length(C1)), rev(C1)),
border = "#87CEFA80", col = "#87CEFA80")
polygon(c(t1, rev(t1)), c(rep(0, length(C0)), rev(C0)),
border = "#FF808080", col = "#FF808080")
lines(tm, Cm) # model
lines(t1, C0, col = "red", lwd = 2)
lines(t1, C1, col = "blue", lwd = 2)
points(t1[1], C0[1], cex = 1.25, pch = 19, col = "red")
points(t1, C1, cex = 1.25, pch = 19, col = "blue")
axis(1, t1)
axis(2, las = 1)
PS: I derived the definite integral \(\small{\int_{0}^{t}C(t)\,\textrm{d}t}\) based on the micro-constants \(\small{A,\alpha,B,\beta}\) back in 1983 because I couldn’t find any reference. Ugly. If you can simplify it, let me know.
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
- AUC from 0 to tau at steady state martin 2021-06-01 14:43 [NCA / SHAM]
- AUC from 0 to tau at steady state d_labes 2021-06-01 20:31
- AUC from 0 to tau at steady stateHelmut 2021-06-01 22:13