Simulations (lengthy 🇷 script) [🇷 for BE/BA]
I don’t. See this article first.
An -script for the 4×4 and 6×3 Williams’s designs, evaluation by the ‘Two at at Time’ approach (incomplete block designs preferred by the EMA). No period effects, no carryover, balanced sequences (sorry, 200+ lines of code):
Say you have a 4×4 design and are interested in the comparisons A/B and C/D. We simulate a data set with different T/R-ratios and CVs.
If you want only the results use
This is just one of the six possible 4×4 Williams’ designs (
If you insist in the bogus nested structure (why?), use
If you want other simulations use
Dose proportionality (4 levels, dose-normalized PK-responses A/D, B/D, C/D).
6×3 Williams’ design, one test (A) compared to references from different regions (B, C).
Results of the three examples confirmed in Phoenix/WinNonlin v8.1.
❝ Anybody have the reference datasets for four treatment, four sequence, four period design and the R code.
I don’t. See this article first.
An -script for the 4×4 and 6×3 Williams’s designs, evaluation by the ‘Two at at Time’ approach (incomplete block designs preferred by the EMA). No period effects, no carryover, balanced sequences (sorry, 200+ lines of code):
make.williams <- function(treatments = 3,
sequences = 6,
seqs, n) {
# returns a data.frame of 3- or 4-treatment
# Williams' designs
# seq: vector of sequences (optional)
# n : number of subjects
if (treatments < 3 | treatments > 4)
stop("Only 3 or 4 treatments implemented.")
if (!sequences %in% c(4, 6))
stop("Only 4 or 6 sequences implemented.")
if (treatments == 3 & !sequences == 6)
stop("6 sequences required for 3 treatments.")
if (treatments == 4 & !sequences == 4)
stop("4 sequences required for 4 treatments.")
if (n %% sequences != 0) {
msg <- paste0("\n", n, " is not a multiple of ",
sequences, ".",
"\nOnly balanced sequences implemented.")
# defaults if seqs not given
if (is.null(seqs)) {
if (treatments == 3) {
seqs <- c("ABC", "ACB", "BAC",
"BCA", "CAB", "CBA")
} else {
seqs <- c("ADBC", "BACD",
if (!length(seqs) == sequences)
stop("number of elements of 'seqs' have to equal 'sequences'.")
if (!typeof(seqs) == "character")
stop("'seqs' has to be a character vector.")
subject <- rep(1:n, each = treatments)
sequence <- rep(seqs, each = n / length(seqs) * treatments)
data <- data.frame(subject = subject,
period = 1:treatments,
sequence = sequence)
for (j in 1:nrow(data)) {
data$treatment[j] <- strsplit(data$sequence[j],
sim.williams <- function(alpha = 0.05, treatments = 3, sequences = 6, n,
T, R, theta0, theta1 = 0.80, theta2 = 1.25,
CV, seqs, nested = FALSE, = FALSE,
details = FALSE, setseed = TRUE) {
# 3-trt Williams' design (comparisons = 2)
# A vs B and A vs C: (A = T , B = R1, C = R2)
# A vs C and B vs C: (A = T1, B = T2, C = R)
# 4-trt Williams' design (comparisons = 2)
# A vs B and C vs D: (A = Tfed , B = Rfed
# C = Tfasted, D = Rfasted)
# 4-trt Williams' design (comparisons = 3)
# dose proportionality (A = reference dose level)
# B vs A and C vs A and D vs A
# T: vector of T-codes (character, e.g., c("A", "C")
# R: vector of R-codes (character, e.g., c("B", "D")
# theta0: vector of T/R-ratios
# CV: vector of CVs of the T/R-comparisons
if (treatments < 3)
stop("At least 3 treatments required.")
if (treatments > 4)
stop("> 4 treatments not implemented.")
comp <- paste0(T, R)
comparisons <- length(comp)
if (treatments == 3 & comparisons > 2)
stop("Only 2 comparisons for 3 treatments implemented.")
if (!length(theta0) == comparisons)
stop("theta0 has to be a vector with ", comparisons,
" elements.")
if (!length(CV) == comparisons)
stop("CV has to be a vector with ", comparisons,
" elements.")
# vector of ordered treatment codes
trts <- c(T, R)[order(c(T, R))]
heading.aovIII <- c(paste("Type III ANOVA:",
"Two at a Time approach"),
"sequence vs")
# data.frame with columns subject, period, sequence, treatment
data <- make.williams(treatments = treatments,
sequences = sequences,
seq = NULL, n = n)
if (setseed) set.seed(1234567)
sd <- sqrt(log(CV^2 + 1))
Tsim <- data.frame(subject = 1:n,
treatment = rep(T, each = n),
PK = NA)
cuts <- seq(n, nrow(Tsim), n)
k <- 1
for (j in seq_along(cuts)) {
Tsim$PK[k:cuts[j]] <- exp(rnorm(n = n,
mean = log(theta0[j]),
sd = sd[j]))
k <- k + n
Rsim <- data.frame(subject = 1:n,
treatment = rep(R, each = n),
PK = NA)
cuts <- seq(n, nrow(Rsim), n)
k <- 1
for (j in seq_along(cuts)) {
Rsim$PK[k:cuts[j]] <- exp(rnorm(n = n, mean = 0,
sd = sd[j]))
k <- k + n
TRsim <- rbind(Tsim, Rsim)
data <- merge(data, TRsim,
by.x = c("subject", "treatment"),
by.y = c("subject", "treatment"),
sort = FALSE)
cols <- c("subject", "period",
"sequence", "treatment")
data[cols] <- lapply(data[cols], factor)
seqs <- unique(data$sequence)
if ( print(data, row.names = FALSE)
# named vectors of geometric means
per.mean <- setNames(rep(NA, treatments), 1:treatments)
trt.mean <- setNames(rep(NA, treatments), trts)
seq.mean <- setNames(rep(NA, length(seqs)), seqs)
for (j in 1:treatments) {
per.mean[j] <- exp(mean(log(data$PK[data$period == j])))
trt.mean[j] <- exp(mean(log(data$PK[data$treatment == trts[j]])))
for (j in 1:sequences) {
seq.mean[j] <- exp(mean(log(data$PK[data$sequence == seqs[j]])))
txt <- "Geometric means of PK response\n period"
for (j in seq_along(per.mean)) {
txt <- paste0(txt, "\n ", j,
paste(sprintf(": %.4f", per.mean[j])))
txt <- paste(txt, "\n sequence")
for (j in seq_along(seq.mean)) {
txt <- paste0(txt, "\n ", seqs[j],
paste(sprintf(": %.4f", seq.mean[j])))
txt <- paste(txt, "\n treatment")
for (j in seq_along(trt.mean)) {
txt <- paste0(txt, "\n ", trts[j],
paste(sprintf(": %.4f", trt.mean[j])))
if (details) cat(txt, "\n")
for (j in 1:comparisons) { # IBD comparisons
comp.trt <- strsplit(comp[j], "")[[1]]
TaT <- data[data$treatment %in% comp.trt, ]
TaT$treatment <- as.character(TaT$treatment)
TaT$treatment[TaT$treatment == comp.trt[1]] <- "T"
TaT$treatment[TaT$treatment == comp.trt[2]] <- "R"
TaT$treatment <- as.factor(TaT$treatment)
if (nested) { # bogus
model <- lm(log(PK) ~ sequence + subject%in%sequence +
period + treatment,
data = TaT)
} else { # simple for unique subject codes
model <- lm(log(PK) ~ sequence + subject +
period + treatment,
data = TaT)
TR.est <- exp(coef(model)[["treatmentT"]])
TR.CI <- as.numeric(exp(confint(model, "treatmentT",
level = 1 - 2 * alpha)))
m.form <- toString(model$call)
m.form <- paste0(substr(m.form, 5, nchar(m.form)),
" (", paste(comp.trt, collapse=""), ")")
aovIII <- anova(model)
if (nested) {
MSdenom <- aovIII["sequence:subject", "Mean Sq"]
df2 <- aovIII["sequence:subject", "Df"]
} else {
MSdenom <- aovIII["subject", "Mean Sq"]
df2 <- aovIII["subject", "Df"]
fvalue <- aovIII["sequence", "Mean Sq"] / MSdenom
df1 <- aovIII["sequence", "Df"]
aovIII["sequence", 4] <- fvalue
aovIII["sequence", 5] <- pf(fvalue, df1, df2,
lower.tail = FALSE)
attr(aovIII, "heading")[1] <- m.form
attr(aovIII, "heading")[2:3] <- heading.aovIII
if (nested) {
attr(aovIII, "heading")[3] <- paste(heading.aovIII[2],
} else {
attr(aovIII, "heading")[3] <- paste(heading.aovIII[2],
CV.TR.est <- sqrt(exp(aovIII["Residuals", "Mean Sq"])-1)
if (details) {
info <- paste0("\nIncomplete blocks extracted from ",
length(seqs), "\u00D7", treatments,
" Williams\u2019 design\n")
cat(info); print(aovIII, digits = 4, signif.legend = FALSE)
txt <- paste0("\nPE ",
comp.trt[1], "/", comp.trt[2],
" ",
sprintf("%6.4f", TR.est),"\n",
sprintf("%.f%% %s", 100*(1-2*alpha),
"CI "),
paste(sprintf("%6.4f", TR.CI),
collapse = " \u2013 "))
if (round(TR.CI[1], 4) >= theta1 &
round(TR.CI[2], 4) <= theta2) {
txt <- paste(txt, "(pass)")
} else {
txt <- paste(txt, "(fail)")
txt <- paste(txt, "\nCV (intra)",
sprintf("%6.4f", CV.TR.est), "\n")
Say you have a 4×4 design and are interested in the comparisons A/B and C/D. We simulate a data set with different T/R-ratios and CVs.
sim.williams(treatments = 4, sequences = 4, n = 28,
T = c("A", "C"), R = c("B", "D"),
theta0 = c(0.95, 0.90),
CV = c(0.25, 0.20), details = TRUE)
Geometric means of PK response
1: 0.9153
2: 0.9901
3: 0.9372
4: 0.9407
ADBC: 0.9375
BACD: 0.8875
CBDA: 0.9705
DCAB: 0.9894
A: 0.9423
B: 0.9740
C: 0.8859
D: 0.9825
Incomplete blocks extracted from 4×4 Williams’ design
log(PK) ~ sequence + subject + period + treatment, TaT (AB)
Type III ANOVA: Two at a Time approach
sequence vs subject
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
sequence 3 0.1263 0.04209 1.212 0.327
subject 24 0.8338 0.03474 0.450 0.972
period 3 0.2614 0.08714 1.129 0.357
treatment 1 0.0153 0.01532 0.198 0.660
Residuals 24 1.8531 0.07721
PE A/B 0.9675
90% CI 0.8520 – 1.0985 (pass)
CV (intra) 0.2833
Incomplete blocks extracted from 4×4 Williams’ design
log(PK) ~ sequence + subject + period + treatment, TaT (CD)
Type III ANOVA: Two at a Time approach
sequence vs subject
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
sequence 3 0.1644 0.05480 1.696 0.1945
subject 24 0.7754 0.03231 0.920 0.5799
period 3 0.0544 0.01812 0.516 0.6751
treatment 1 0.1500 0.15000 4.272 0.0497 *
Residuals 24 0.8427 0.03511
PE C/D 0.9017
90% CI 0.8276 – 0.9823 (pass)
CV (intra) 0.1890
If you want only the results use
details = FALSE
. To retrieve the simulated data, use = TRUE
.This is just one of the six possible 4×4 Williams’ designs (
). If you are interested in another one, specify it as a character vector in the argument seq
.If you insist in the bogus nested structure (why?), use
nested = TRUE
.If you want other simulations use
setseed = FALSE
.Dose proportionality (4 levels, dose-normalized PK-responses A/D, B/D, C/D).
sim.williams(treatments = 4, sequences = 4, n = 28,
T = c("A", "B", "C"), R = "D",
theta0 = c(0.93, 0.97, 0.99),
CV = c(0.20, 0.22, 0.25))
PE A/D 0.9404
90% CI 0.8695 – 1.0171 (pass)
CV (intra) 0.1727
PE B/D 0.9703
90% CI 0.8888 – 1.0593 (pass)
CV (intra) 0.1940
PE C/D 0.9815
90% CI 0.8870 – 1.0860 (pass)
CV (intra) 0.2241
6×3 Williams’ design, one test (A) compared to references from different regions (B, C).
sim.williams(treatments = 3, sequences = 6, n = 24,
T = c("A"), R = c("B", "C"),
theta0 = c(0.93, 0.95),
CV = c(0.25, 0.20))
PE A/B 0.9793
90% CI 0.8866 – 1.0817 (pass)
CV (intra) 0.2022
PE A/C 0.9351
90% CI 0.8457 – 1.0340 (pass)
CV (intra) 0.2045
Results of the three examples confirmed in Phoenix/WinNonlin v8.1.
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
- Reference datasets for 4x4 Williams’ design PVRC 2021-04-23 10:23 [🇷 for BE/BA]
- Simulations (lengthy 🇷 script)Helmut 2021-04-23 12:37