5th GBHI Conference [Conferences / Workshops]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2021-02-02 17:26 (1322 d 10:29 ago) – Posting: # 22202
Views: 5,873

(edited by Helmut on 2021-12-03 16:00)

Dear all,

the 5th conference of

The Global Harmonisation Initiative

is planned for April 6–7, 2022 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  1. Statistical considerations for BE assessment in specific situations
    • 2-stage, adaptive and replicate design: a regulatory update after the discussions at GBHI 2
    • Modeling & Simulation
  2. Fed vs fasting conditions in BE trials: current status and new insights
  3. Equivalence assessment of topical products: product-dependent approaches
  4. Bioequivalence evaluation of narrow therapeutic index (NTI) Drugs

Update: Postponed; new dates September 28 – 29, 2022. Website, Programme.
The early-bird registration ends on July 10, 2022.

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Helmut Schütz

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