Significant effects: Don’t worry, be happy! [General Sta­tis­tics]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2020-12-22 17:27 (1484 d 09:15 ago) – Posting: # 22154
Views: 2,846

Hi Moloko,

❝ Could somebody help me with my doubts about significant sequence/treatment/period

❝ effects in BE study?

Search the forum for sequence effect, treatment effect, and period effect. Lots of posts, references, etc. See also the articles about carryover and a significant treatment effect.

❝ My СI-s are within the range of 80.000% - 125.000%, so formally BE acceptance criterion is met.

Excellent. Open a bottle of champagne. :party:

❝ But these p-values scare me... :confused:

❝ I don't have much experience in BE and I think it is not good then period or sequence factor influences PK-parameter.

See also here for the sequence effect and there for the treatment effect. The period effect cancels out in a crossover study anyway.

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