CI inclusion ≠ TOST [BE/BA News]
❝ if the CI inclusion rule is really something different than TOST why do we calculate power / samplesize based on TOST .
Cause you decided to baptize the package
and not “Eierlegende Wollmilchsau” back in 2009. Given, Donald used the phrase “operationally identical” on p.661 (right column, 2nd paragraph).
However, for me (!) those are two different “operations”. Results of an example:
theta1 = 0.8000
theta2 = 1.2500
alpha = 0.05
90% CI: lower CL = 0.8448
upper CL = 1.1003
CI within 0.8000 and 1.2500: passed BE
TOST : p(<0.8000) = 0.01239
p(>1.2500) = 0.001565
p(<0.8000) <0.05 and p(>1.2500) <alpha: passed BE
Checks with library PowerTOST
CI.BE(alpha = 0.05, ...):
lower = 0.8448
upper = 1.1003
p.left = 0.01239
p.right = 0.001565
alpha <- 0.05
theta0 <- 0.95
theta1 <- 0.80
theta2 <- 1.25
CV <- 0.20
subj <- 1:20
per <- 1:2
seq <- c("TR", "RT")
trt <- c("T", "R")
data <- data.frame(subj = as.factor(rep(subj, each = 2)),
per = as.factor(rep(per, 2)),
seq = as.factor(rep(seq, each = length(subj))),
trt = as.factor(c(rep(trt, length(subj)/2),
rep(rev(trt), length(subj)/2))))
data$PK[data$trt == "R"] <- rlnorm(n = length(subj),
meanlog = log(1)-0.5*log(CV^2+1),
sdlog = sqrt(log(CV^2+1)))
data$PK[data$trt == "T"] <- rlnorm(n = length(subj),
meanlog = log(theta0)-0.5*log(CV^2+1),
sdlog = sqrt(log(CV^2+1)))
mod <- lm(log(PK) ~ seq + subj + per + trt, data = data)
# CI inclusion (base R) #
pe <- exp(coef(mod)[["trtT"]])
ci <- exp(as.numeric(confint(mod, "trtT", level = 1-2*alpha)))
names(ci) <- c("lower", "upper")
if (ci[["lower"]] >= 0.80 & ci[["upper"]] <=1.25) { <- sprintf("CI within %.4f and %.4f: %s",
theta1, theta2, "passed BE")
if (ci[["lower"]] < 0.80 & ci[["upper"]] <= 1.25) { <- sprintf("lower CL <%.4f, upper CL \u2264%.4f: %s",
theta1, theta2, "failed BE (inconclusive)")
if (ci[["lower"]] >= 0.80 & ci[["upper"]] > 1.25) { <- sprintf("lower CL \u2265%.4f, upper CL >%.4f: %s",
theta1, theta2, "failed BE (inconclusive)")
if (ci[["lower"]] < 0.80 & ci[["upper"]] > 1.25) { <- sprintf("lower CL <%.4f and upper CL >%.4f: %s",
theta1, theta2, "inequivalent")
# TOST (base R) #
s <- sqrt(anova(mod)["Residuals", "Mean Sq"])
nu <- anova(mod)["Residuals", "Df"]
n1 <- length(as.numeric(data$subj[data$seq == "TR"]))/2
n2 <- length(as.numeric(data$subj[data$seq == "RT"]))/2
muR <- mean(log(data$PK[data$trt == "R"]))
muT <- mean(log(data$PK[data$trt == "T"]))
delta <- muT-muR
se <- s*sqrt(0.5*(1/n2+1/n2))
t1 <- (delta-log(theta1))/se
t2 <- (log(theta2)-delta)/se
p.TOST <- c(p1 = pt(t1, df = nu, lower.tail = FALSE),
p2 = pt(t2, df = nu, lower.tail = FALSE))
if (max(p.TOST) < alpha) {
BE.TOST <- sprintf("p(<%.4f) <%.2g and p(>%.4f) <%.2g: %s",
theta1, alpha, theta2, alpha, "passed BE")
if (p.TOST[["p1"]] < alpha & p.TOST[["p2"]] >= alpha) {
BE.TOST <- sprintf("p(<%.4f) <%.2g and p(>%.4f) \u2265%.2g: %s",
theta1, alpha, theta2, alpha, "failed BE (inconclusive)")
if (p.TOST[["p1"]] >= alpha & p.TOST[["p2"]] < alpha) {
BE.TOST <- sprintf("p(<%.4f) \u2265%.2g and p(>%.4f) <%.2g: %s",
theta1, alpha, theta2, alpha, "failed BE (inconclusive)")
if (p.TOST[["p1"]] >= alpha & p.TOST[["p2"]] >= alpha) {
BE.TOST <- sprintf("p(<%.4f) \u2265%.2g and p(>%.4f) \u2265%.2g: %s",
theta1, alpha, theta2, alpha, "inequivalent")
# library PowerTOST #
library(PowerTOST) <- CI.BE(alpha = alpha, pe = pe, CV = se2CV(s), n = c(n1, n2))
pt.p <- pvalues.TOST(pe = pe, CV = se2CV(s), n = c(n1, n2),
theta1 = theta1, theta2 = theta2)
cat(paste0("\ntheta1 = ", sprintf("%.4f", theta1),
"\ntheta2 = ", sprintf("%.4f", theta2),
"\nalpha = ", alpha, sprintf("\n%g%% CI: ", 100*(1-2*alpha)),
"lower CL = ", sprintf("%.4f", ci["lower"]),
"\n upper CL = ", sprintf("%.4f", ci["upper"]),
"\n ",,
"\nTOST : p(<", sprintf("%.4f) = %.4g", theta1, p.TOST[["p1"]]),
"\n p(>", sprintf("%.4f) = %.4g", theta2, p.TOST[["p2"]]),
"\n ", BE.TOST,
"\n\nChecks with library PowerTOST",
"\nCI.BE(alpha = ", alpha, ", ...):",
"\n lower = ", sprintf("%.4f",["lower"]),
"\n upper = ", sprintf("%.4f",["upper"]),
"\n p.left = ", sprintf("%.4g", pt.p[["p.left"]]),
"\n p.right = ", sprintf("%.4g", pt.p[["p.right"]])), "\n")
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
- WHO frequent deficiencies in protocols and reports Ohlbe 2020-12-04 12:04 [BE/BA News]
- WHO frequent deficiencies in protocols and reports ElMaestro 2020-12-04 14:10
- CI inclusion ≠ TOST Helmut 2020-12-04 20:30
- CI inclusion ≠ TOST d_labes 2020-12-05 16:19
- CI inclusion ≠ TOST ElMaestro 2020-12-05 16:49
- CI inclusion ≠ TOST d_labes 2020-12-07 11:39
- CI inclusion ≠ TOSTHelmut 2020-12-06 22:09
- CI inclusion operationally identical to TOST d_labes 2020-12-07 11:11
- WHO lamenting about terminology? Helmut 2020-12-07 13:02
- WHO lamenting about terminology? ElMaestro 2020-12-07 14:54
- WHO lamenting about terminology? d_labes 2020-12-07 15:35
- WHO lamenting about terminology? Helmut 2020-12-07 13:02
- CI inclusion operationally identical to TOST d_labes 2020-12-07 11:11
- CI inclusion ≠ TOST ElMaestro 2020-12-05 16:49
- CI inclusion ≠ TOST d_labes 2020-12-05 16:19
- CI inclusion ≠ TOST Helmut 2020-12-04 20:30
- WHO frequent deficiencies in protocols and reports Helmut 2020-12-22 19:00
- "obtain balanced groups" vs randomisation ElMaestro 2020-12-23 08:12
- WHO frequent deficiencies in protocols and reports ElMaestro 2020-12-04 14:10