4 periods (BE fed & fasting) [General Sta­tis­tics]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2020-10-13 01:58 (1435 d 02:52 ago) – Posting: # 21995
Views: 1,825

Hi Loky do,

do you mean sumfink like this?
If yes, perform two separate ANOVAs on part 1 (T vs R in fed state: periods 1 & 2) and part 2 (T vs R in fasting state: periods 3 & 4).
To assess the food effects (fed vs fasting) of T and R employ two separate paired comparisons. Here you have to assume no period effects – state that in the protocol. However, you will not loose the war on this if you succeeded in showing BE in fed and fasting state. There are no commonly accepted rules to decide whether food effects are different. In my studies I assess whether the CIs overlap.

Homework: Find out why I recommend fed state first. ;-)

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