Metida.jl: experimental Julia LinearMixedModel software [Software]
Hello, dear colleagues!
Some time ago I released the mixed model solution to bioequivalence for Julia (ReplicateBE.jl) and it works fine but this package is not flexible and can calculate only one kind of task. Now I try to make a general instrument for linear mixed models with some approaches that were used in ReplicateBE.jl.
Metida.jl is an experimental Julia package for fitting linear mixed model with flexible covariance structure. Main goal - to implement the ability to develop custom covariance structures and easy way for contributors to do it. Top goal - to realize the most used PROC MIXED abilities from SAS.
Now Metida.jl in the early development stage and checked on one small dataset (SAS code). Covariance type implemented: Scaled identity, Variance components, Heterogeneous Compound Symmetry.
If Julia is already installed Metida.jl can be installed very simple way:
Version 0.1.3 on this moment available.
To check you can use this example:
There are many work to do: check other validation datasets, add other covariance types, performance things and other... So I will be very appreciate for any issues on github or here, advices ets.
It will be very cool if you guided me for any validation aspects.
Note: One of the most notable problems is the long initial start-up time. The second run of the same command is much faster. Worst of all, at the moment, changing the covariance structure also requires recompilation and takes a certain amount of time.
Some comparations with PROC MIXED SAS:
Best regards,
Some time ago I released the mixed model solution to bioequivalence for Julia (ReplicateBE.jl) and it works fine but this package is not flexible and can calculate only one kind of task. Now I try to make a general instrument for linear mixed models with some approaches that were used in ReplicateBE.jl.
Metida.jl is an experimental Julia package for fitting linear mixed model with flexible covariance structure. Main goal - to implement the ability to develop custom covariance structures and easy way for contributors to do it. Top goal - to realize the most used PROC MIXED abilities from SAS.
Now Metida.jl in the early development stage and checked on one small dataset (SAS code). Covariance type implemented: Scaled identity, Variance components, Heterogeneous Compound Symmetry.
If Julia is already installed Metida.jl can be installed very simple way:
import Pkg; Pkg.add("Metida")
Version 0.1.3 on this moment available.
To check you can use this example:
using Metida, StatsBase, StatsModels, CSV, DataFrames
df = CSV.File(dirname(pathof(Metida))*"\\..\\test\\csv\\df0.csv") |> DataFrame
categorical!(df, :subject);
categorical!(df, :period);
categorical!(df, :sequence);
categorical!(df, :formulation);
lmm = LMM(@formula(var ~ sequence + period + formulation), df;
random = VarEffect(@covstr(formulation), CSH),
repeated = VarEffect(@covstr(formulation), VC),
subject = :subject)
There are many work to do: check other validation datasets, add other covariance types, performance things and other... So I will be very appreciate for any issues on github or here, advices ets.
It will be very cool if you guided me for any validation aspects.
Note: One of the most notable problems is the long initial start-up time. The second run of the same command is much faster. Worst of all, at the moment, changing the covariance structure also requires recompilation and takes a certain amount of time.
Some comparations with PROC MIXED SAS:
using Metida, StatsBase, StatsModels, CSV, DataFrames
df = CSV.File(dirname(pathof(Metida))*"\\..\\test\\csv\\df0.csv") |> DataFrame
PROC MIXED data=df0;
CLASSES subject sequence period formulation;
MODEL var = sequence period formulation/ DDFM=SATTERTH s;
RANDOM formulation/TYPE=CSH SUB=subject G V;
REPEATED/GRP=formulation SUB=subject R;
REML: 10.06523862
lmm = LMM(@formula(var ~ sequence + period + formulation), df;
random = VarEffect(@covstr(formulation), CSH),
repeated = VarEffect(@covstr(formulation), VC),
subject = :subject)
Linear Mixed Model: var ~ sequence + period + formulation
Random 1:
Model: formulation
Type: HeterogeneousCompoundSymmetry (3)
Coefnames: ["formulation: 1", "formulation: 2"]
Model: formulation
Type: VarianceComponents (2)
Coefnames: ["formulation: 1", "formulation: 2"]
Status: converged
-2 logREML: 10.0652
Fixed effects:
Name Estimate SE
(Intercept) 1.57749 0.334543
sequence: 2 -0.170833 0.384381
period: 2 0.195984 0.117228
period: 3 0.145014 0.109171
period: 4 0.157363 0.117228
formulation: 2 -0.0791667 0.0903709
Random effects:
θ vector: [0.455584, 0.367656, 1.0, 0.143682, 0.205657]
Random 1 formulation: 1 var 0.207557
Random 1 formulation: 2 var 0.135171
Random 1 Rho rho 1.0
Repeated formulation: 1 var 0.0206445
Repeated formulation: 2 var 0.0422948
PROC MIXED data=df0;
CLASSES subject sequence period formulation;
MODEL var = sequence period formulation/ DDFM=SATTERTH s;
RANDOM formulation/TYPE=VC SUB=subject G V;
REPEATED/GRP=formulation SUB=subject R;
REML: 16.06148160
lmm = LMM(
@formula(var ~ sequence + period + formulation), df;
random = VarEffect(@covstr(formulation), SI),
repeated = VarEffect(@covstr(formulation), VC),
subject = :subject,
Linear Mixed Model: var ~ sequence + period + formulation
Random 1:
Model: formulation
Type: ScaledIdentity (1)
Coefnames: ["formulation: 1", "formulation: 2"]
Model: formulation
Type: VarianceComponents (2)
Coefnames: ["formulation: 1", "formulation: 2"]
Status: converged
-2 logREML: 16.0615
Fixed effects:
Name Estimate SE
(Intercept) 1.57212 0.305807
sequence: 2 -0.170833 0.279555
period: 2 0.204087 0.289957
period: 3 0.155769 0.11308
period: 4 0.160015 0.289957
formulation: 2 -0.0791667 0.279555
Random effects:
θ vector: [0.412436, 0.145184, 0.220819]
Random 1 Var var 0.170103
Repeated formulation: 1 var 0.0210784
Repeated formulation: 2 var 0.048761
PROC MIXED data=df0;
CLASSES subject sequence period formulation;
MODEL var = sequence period formulation/ DDFM=SATTERTH s;
REML: 10.86212458
lmm = LMM(@formula(var ~ sequence + period + formulation), df;
random = VarEffect(@covstr(subject), SI)
Linear Mixed Model: var ~ sequence + period + formulation
Random 1:
Model: subject
Type: ScaledIdentity (1)
Coefnames: ["subject: 1", "subject: 2", "subject: 3", "subject: 4", "subject: 5"]
Model: nothing
Type: ScaledIdentity (1)
Coefnames: -
Status: converged
-2 logREML: 10.8621
Fixed effects:
Name Estimate SE
(Intercept) 1.61 0.309774
sequence: 2 -0.170833 0.383959
period: 2 0.144167 0.116706
period: 3 0.08 0.115509
period: 4 0.144167 0.116706
formulation: 2 -0.0791667 0.0833617
Random effects:
θ vector: [0.410574, 0.182636]
Random 1 Var var 0.168571
Repeated Var var 0.0333559
PROC MIXED data=df0;
CLASSES subject sequence period formulation;
MODEL var = sequence period formulation/ DDFM=SATTERTH s;
RANDOM formulation/TYPE=VC G V;
REML: 25.12948063
lmm = LMM(
@formula(var ~ sequence + period + formulation), df;
random = [VarEffect(@covstr(period), VC), VarEffect(@covstr(formulation), VC)]
Linear Mixed Model: var ~ sequence + period + formulation
Random 1:
Model: period
Type: VarianceComponents (4)
Coefnames: ["period: 1", "period: 2", "period: 3", "period: 4"]
Random 2:
Model: formulation
Type: VarianceComponents (2)
Coefnames: ["formulation: 1", "formulation: 2"]
Model: nothing
Type: ScaledIdentity (1)
Coefnames: -
Status: converged
-2 logREML: 25.1295
Fixed effects:
Name Estimate SE
(Intercept) 1.61 0.249491
sequence: 2 -0.170833 0.192487
period: 2 0.144167 0.269481
period: 3 0.08 0.266717
period: 4 0.144167 0.269481
formulation: 2 -0.0791667 0.192487
Random effects:
θ vector: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.421717]
Random 1 period: 1 var 0.0
Random 1 period: 2 var 0.0
Random 1 period: 3 var 0.0
Random 1 period: 4 var 0.0
Random 2 formulation: 1 var 0.0
Random 2 formulation: 2 var 0.0
Repeated Var var 0.177845
PROC MIXED data=df0;
CLASSES subject sequence period formulation;
MODEL var = sequence period formulation/ DDFM=SATTERTH s;
RANDOM formulation/TYPE=UN(1) SUB=subject G V;
REML: 16.24111264
lmm = LMM(@formula(var ~ sequence + period + formulation), df;
random = VarEffect(@covstr(formulation), VC),
subject = :subject)
Linear Mixed Model: var ~ sequence + period + formulation
Random 1:
Model: formulation
Type: VarianceComponents (2)
Coefnames: ["formulation: 1", "formulation: 2"]
Model: nothing
Type: ScaledIdentity (1)
Coefnames: -
Status: converged
-2 logREML: 16.2411
Fixed effects:
Name Estimate SE
(Intercept) 1.61 0.334718
sequence: 2 -0.170833 0.277378
period: 2 0.144167 0.289463
period: 3 0.08 0.117047
period: 4 0.144167 0.289463
formulation: 2 -0.0791667 0.277378
Random effects:
θ vector: [0.447322, 0.367367, 0.185068]
Random 1 formulation: 1 var 0.200097
Random 1 formulation: 2 var 0.134959
Repeated Var var 0.0342502
Best regards,
Complete thread:
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