EMA dataset I, can someone post results? [General Statistics]
❝ Hi all,
SPSS Code:
MIXED var1 BY sequence period formulation
/FIXED=sequence period formulation | SSTYPE(3)
/RANDOM=formulation | SUBJECT(subject) COVTYPE(CSH)
/REPEATED=formulation | SUBJECT(subject*period) COVTYPE(DIAG)
Information Criteria
-2 Restricted Log Likelihood 530.145
Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) 540.145
Hurvich and Tsai's Criterion (AICC) 540.354
Bozdogan's Criterion (CAIC) 563.528
Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion (BIC) 558.528
The information criteria are displayed in smaller-is-better form.
Estimates of Covariance Parametersa
Parameter Estimate Std. Error
Repeated Measures
Var: [formulation=1] 0.117394208 0.019006700
Var: [formulation=2] 0.202118093 0.029362559
formulation [subject = subject]
Var: [formulation=1] 0.686257768 0.122572131
Var: [formulation=2] 0.727599985 0.136391910
CSH rho 1.000000000b 0.000000000
b This covariance parameter is redundant.
Random Effect Covariance Structure (G)
[formulation=1] | subject [formulation=2] | subject
[formulation=1] | subject 0.686257768 0.706626593
[formulation=2] | subject 0.706626593 0.727599985
Heterogeneous Compound Symmetry
Pairwise Comparisons
Mean Difference Std. Error df Sig.c
(I-J) 90% CI Lower Bound 90% CI Upper Bound
0.145* 0.047 209.440 0.002 0.069 0.222
-0.145* 0.047 209.440 0.002 -0.222 -0.069
Julia code:
using ReplicateBE
julia> ReplicateBE.rbe!(df4, dvar = :var, subject = :subject, formulation = :formulation, period = :period, sequence = :sequence, g_tol = 1e-10)
Bioequivalence Linear Mixed Effect Model (status:converged)
Hessian not positive defined!
Rho ~ 1.0!
-2REML: 530.145 REML: -265.072
Fixed effect:
Effect Value SE F DF t P|t|
(Intercept) 7.77467 0.141753 3008.17 82.0026 54.8467 2.11367E-66*
sequence: 2 0.0204707 0.197223 0.0107733 74.735 0.103795 0.91761
period: 2 0.0446377 0.0636371 0.492019 214.16 0.701441 0.483789
period: 3 0.00659021 0.0644219 0.0104648 189.589 0.102298 0.918629
period: 4 0.0727201 0.0639714 1.29222 214.259 1.13676 0.256909
formulation: 2 -0.145464 0.0465012 9.78552 208.081 -3.12818 0.00201093*
Intra-individual variance:
formulation: 1 0.117394 CVᵂ: 35.29 %
formulation: 2 0.202118 CVᵂ: 47.33 %
Inter-individual variance:
formulation: 1 0.686258
formulation: 2 0.7276
ρ: 1.0 Cov: 0.706627
formulation: 1 / formulation: 2
Ratio: 115.66, CI: 107.1 - 124.89 (%)
formulation: 2 / formulation: 1
Ratio: 86.46, CI: 80.07 - 93.37 (%)
Complete thread:
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