Mixed models, did someone figure out lme? [🇷 for BE/BA]

posted by d_labes  – Berlin, Germany, 2020-08-11 20:23 (1497 d 07:58 ago) – Posting: # 21858
Views: 2,663

Dear ElMaestro,

❝ ...

❝ For example: I prefer to play with variance components directly without involvement of rho (correlation) for the covariance of T and R. Where do I start? Playing around with weights, correlation structure, etc may get me what I want (see the two threads linked above), but that stil does not mean I am using lme meaningfully or optimally, I feel.

OK. That was my feeling in using Proc MIXED too.
And later on in the implementation via nlme/lme().

But life is no musical request programm ;-).
To have a stil you are satisfied with: Build your software by your own.

If I see your activity here in the forum (together with PharmCat) I think you will be able to do so. Contrary to me. Too small a brain to follow your posts. Even the easiest statements are out of my intellectual reach.

Thus I can't help. Sorry.



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