Still can't make it work [🇷 for BE/BA]

posted by ElMaestro  – Denmark, 2020-08-07 20:23 (1501 d 20:55 ago) – Posting: # 21836
Views: 15,376

Hi PharmCat,

it is kind of you, but this looks like apples compared to pears.

The whole point is that G and R are meaningless so I cannot compare to an output generated with a model involving G and R. I am doing V directly, because we do not work with within and betweens for T.
That is why you have five elements in theta (T is not replicated, but you are trying to fit both a within and a between variance for it). I am saying we do not work on them both, in stead we replace their sum by a single variance estimate. This is the whole point of the thread here.

Note also, I am not after correlations per se. Therefore I am writing the variances directly into the covariance matrix (perhaps like you are used to if you work with compound symmetry of the heterogenous type).

If you are looking at a final log likehood around 15.337 then I think we are at least talking about the same model.

Pass or fail!

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