Reanalysis for PK Reason: Gone with the Wind [Bioanalytics]

posted by Obinoscopy  – USA, 2020-07-20 16:12 (1512 d 17:06 ago) – Posting: # 21761
Views: 5,480

Hi Dshah

time concentration 1 concentration 2 concentration 3 concentration 4

❝ AUC      826.125         826.375         826.625         826.75

❝ I believe that such small change in AUC can be considered non-significant. :-)

I agree with you that these changes are very little. But you'd be amazed at how the difference between 826.125 and 826.375 is enough to make a study that failed (eg CI of T/R: 79.99 - 111.11) to pass (eg CI of T/R: 80.02 - 111.11).



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