speed? [🇷 for BE/BA]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2020-04-30 19:30 (1597 d 00:31 ago) – Posting: # 21374
Views: 20,844

Hi Hi Yung-jin,

❝ Nope, v3.6.3 was gone three days ago. Sorry about that. However, I still run your codes on different platforms and got the following result: […]

THX, interesting! To test you assumption, I re-installed 3.6.3. Medians of five runs:

3.6.3: 31.11 seconds
4.0.0: 31.69 seconds

Hence, your gut feeling was possibly based on wishful thinking. ;-)

❝ BTW, there are some plural-form or plus s commands/functions, such as 'install.packages("foo")', 'file.exists("foo")'. Sometimes I got confused. I think it should be possible to make these the same, such as install.packages(...) = install.package(...), and file.exists(...) = file.exist(...) in the future. What do you think?

Yes, that’s strange.
Would be easy to define an alias in R-core, like we have in PowerTOST: CVfromCI()CI2CV(), CVwRfromU()U2CVwR().

4.1.3: 32.70 seconds
4.2.0: 34.64 seconds
4.2.1: 33.46 seconds

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