Studentized & standardized residuals [Outliers]
Hi UdayK,
“Studentized residual” is an ambiguous term. There are two flavors:
Both are easily obtained in SAS, R,…
In R for the fixed effects model (untested!):
BTW, which outlier test are you thinking of? See also there and this thread at stackoverflow.
❝ […] outlier test using Phoenix WinNonlin Software (Studentized residual method) and R-Software (code) in the Bioequivalence 2way cross design.
“Studentized residual” is an ambiguous term. There are two flavors:
- Internally studentized (aka “standardized”), where
\(\widehat{\sigma}^2={1 \over n-m}\sum_{j=1}^n \widehat{\varepsilon\,}_j^{\,2}\)
- Externally studentized, where
\(\widehat{\sigma}_{(i)}^2={1 \over n-m-1}\sum_{\begin{smallmatrix}j = 1\\j \ne i\end{smallmatrix}}^n \widehat{\varepsilon\,}_j^{\,2}\)
Both are easily obtained in SAS, R,…
In R for the fixed effects model (untested!):
mod <- lm(log(PK) ~ sequence + subject%in%sequence + period + treatment, data = yourdata)
res1 <- rstandard(mod) # 1. Internally studentized (standardized)
res2 <- rstudent(mod) # 2. Externally studentized
BTW, which outlier test are you thinking of? See also there and this thread at stackoverflow.
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Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
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Complete thread:
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- Outlier Test using R-Software and Phoenix WinNonlin software in the BE ping4santosh 2020-03-11 14:58
- Studentized & standardized residualsHelmut 2020-03-13 11:21
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- Outlier Test using R-Software: Lund test udayk 2020-03-20 07:05
- Outlier Test using R-Software: Lund test ping4santosh 2020-03-20 10:07
- Outlier Test using R-Software: Lund test udayk 2020-03-20 07:05
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