replicateBE solution with interactions [General Statistics]
Dear mittyri!
Thanks a lot for your elegant solution!
Didn't you think that replicateBE was the first thing that I've thought of, but I couldn't dig up the code for in order to modify it for my needs. The question that I could not solve was extremely stupid: namely, what is the difference between Dataset<-rds01 and Dataset<-read_excel("rds01.xlsx", sheet = 1)? The initial dataset is the same, but the results of the algo are different. So before using we should somehow prepare the data, but how to do it? "I faced the wall...and did it my way"
Thanks a lot for your elegant solution!
Didn't you think that replicateBE was the first thing that I've thought of, but I couldn't dig up the code for in order to modify it for my needs. The question that I could not solve was extremely stupid: namely, what is the difference between Dataset<-rds01 and Dataset<-read_excel("rds01.xlsx", sheet = 1)? The initial dataset is the same, but the results of the algo are different. So before using we should somehow prepare the data, but how to do it? "I faced the wall...and did it my way"
"Being in minority, even a minority of one, did not make you mad"
"Being in minority, even a minority of one, did not make you mad"
Complete thread:
- Group by sequence interaction Mutasim 2019-08-07 13:16 [General Statistics]
- Group by sequence interaction, an urban myth? Helmut 2019-08-07 14:35
- pristine, genuine, holy, magnificent, inexplicable beautiful variation ElMaestro 2019-08-08 10:06
- I love your subject line! Helmut 2019-08-08 10:31
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- Group effect, did you miss it? PharmCat 2019-12-22 01:37
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- Group effect: the endless river PharmCat 2019-12-22 22:52
- replicateBE solution with interactions mittyri 2019-12-23 14:30
- replicateBE solution with interactionsAstea 2019-12-23 17:26
- datasets issues mittyri 2019-12-24 10:53
- datasets Helmut 2019-12-24 11:03
- datasets Astea 2019-12-24 19:18
- lmer / lme Helmut 2019-12-25 19:12
- datasets Astea 2019-12-24 19:18
- replicateBE solution with interactionsAstea 2019-12-23 17:26
- Group effect: the endless river Astea 2019-12-22 21:23
- What do you mean exactly? Beholder 2019-12-27 13:44
- What do you mean exactly? Astea 2019-12-29 21:59
- ANOVA acc. to GL Helmut 2019-12-30 12:32
- What do you mean exactly? Astea 2019-12-29 21:59
- Group effect, did you miss it? Astea 2019-12-21 14:12
- I love your subject line! Helmut 2019-08-08 10:31
- pristine, genuine, holy, magnificent, inexplicable beautiful variation ElMaestro 2019-08-08 10:06
- Group by sequence interaction, an urban myth? Helmut 2019-08-07 14:35