PuMas - introducing Julia in pharmacometrics [Software]
❝ Dear all,
Yes :)
PuMas is not free project, you can use it in JuliaPro. And for commercial purpose it's not free, but it really great package.
Also MixedModels.jl by Douglas Bates (lme4) - great package for mixed models developing now.
Julia itself - is a very interesting as a computing instrument and generic programming language too. Many advantages over R i think.
Also some part of powerTOST translated by be to Julia in ClinicalTrialUtilities.jl package (developing package).
Complete thread:
- PuMas - introducing Julia in pharmacometrics yjlee168 2019-11-06 23:44 [Software]
- PuMas - introducing Julia in pharmacometricsPharmCat 2019-11-07 10:28