how about randomly selected block sizes? [🇷 for BE/BA]
Dear Helmut & Detlew,
The block size in package randomizeBE is fixed and its deafult is set to 2*number of sequences. Is it better to set the blocksize as randomly selected as suggested in this article?
The block size in package randomizeBE is fixed and its deafult is set to 2*number of sequences. Is it better to set the blocksize as randomly selected as suggested in this article?
❝ ...RTFM
If blocksize is missing it defaults to 2*number of sequences.
All the best,
-- Yung-jin Lee
bear v2.9.1:- created by Hsin-ya Lee & Yung-jin Lee
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Download link (updated) -> here
All the best,
-- Yung-jin Lee
bear v2.9.1:- created by Hsin-ya Lee & Yung-jin Lee
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Download link (updated) -> here
Complete thread:
- Randomization Schedule in R sury 2019-08-23 13:39 [🇷 for BE/BA]
- package randomizeBE Helmut 2019-08-24 16:31
- package randomizeBE sury 2019-08-26 09:34
- package randomizeBE Helmut 2019-08-26 10:35
- package randomizeBE sury 2019-08-26 11:54
- (Pseudo-) random numbers, algos, seeds Helmut 2019-08-26 12:28
- how about randomly selected block sizes?yjlee168 2019-08-28 07:25
- how about randomly selected block sizes? ElMaestro 2019-08-28 09:26
- package randomizeBE sury 2019-08-26 11:54
- package randomizeBE Helmut 2019-08-26 10:35
- package randomizeBE sury 2019-08-26 09:34
- package randomizeBE Helmut 2019-08-24 16:31