randomizeBE 0.3-5 [🇷 for BE/BA]
Dear Helmut,
You're right. Great and many thanks. I just get confused. It is much more convenient to use
You're right. Great and many thanks. I just get confused. It is much more convenient to use
in RL4(...,seqs=seqs)
. Sorry about that. ❝ ... I’m not sure whether I understand you correctly. See ?sequences
. Only designs listed there are implemented. Hence, you can’t randomize a parallel design with >2 groups.
All the best,
-- Yung-jin Lee
bear v2.9.2:- created by Hsin-ya Lee & Yung-jin Lee
Kaohsiung, Taiwan https://www.pkpd168.com/bear
Download link (updated) -> here
All the best,
-- Yung-jin Lee
bear v2.9.2:- created by Hsin-ya Lee & Yung-jin Lee
Kaohsiung, Taiwan https://www.pkpd168.com/bear
Download link (updated) -> here
Complete thread:
- about package randomizeBE yjlee168 2019-08-19 12:14 [🇷 for BE/BA]
- about package randomizeBE yjlee168 2019-08-20 14:04
- about package randomizeBE d_labes 2019-08-24 16:26
- about package randomizeBE yjlee168 2019-08-24 19:32
- randomizeBE 0.3-5 Helmut 2019-08-25 13:43
- randomizeBE 0.3-5 yjlee168 2019-08-25 15:19
- randomizeBE 0.3-5 Helmut 2019-08-25 16:26
- randomizeBE 0.3-5yjlee168 2019-08-25 17:08
- randomizeBE 0.3-5 d_labes 2019-08-25 19:39
- randomizeBE 0.3-5 Helmut 2019-08-25 16:26
- randomizeBE 0.3-5 yjlee168 2019-08-25 15:19
- randomizeBE 0.3-5 Helmut 2019-08-25 13:43
- about package randomizeBE yjlee168 2019-08-24 19:32
- about package randomizeBE d_labes 2019-08-24 16:26
- about package randomizeBE yjlee168 2019-08-20 14:04