R: warning ≠ error [🇷 for BE/BA]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2019-08-06 14:35 (1988 d 14:33 ago) – Posting: # 20480
Views: 7,769

Hi sury,

❝ Yes, i heard about the BEAR Package, and also installed the same package. when i am trying to use the package, it showing the warning message "package ‘bear’ was built under R version 3.5.2". i dont know how to clear this error

This is a warning, not an error. There is no problem using any package in a higher version of R. If a package tries to use a function which was deprecated* in your R-version, you will get a specific warning pointing to the function and generally an information which function should be used instead or how the call should be modified. Then you have two options:
  1. If you are an expert, modify the source code and build the package locally.
  2. Ask the package’s maintainer for an update. Probably the best cause sooner or later this warning will turn into an error.
Only if a package tries to use a function which was removed in a higher version of R, you will get an error. If the two options above are not possible, install an earlier version of R from CRAN (Windows binaries, sources). You can have any number of versions of R simultaneously installed on your machine. Use this as a last resort because generally binary data files (.rda) are associated with the last version you installed.

❝ … and how can i call the package for using in the Bio equivalence study. Any help in this regards is highly appreciated.

It’s straightforward. Though Yung-jin can explain it better than I could. ;-)

❝ Also want to know about the PKNCA package on R. How can i use the package.

PKNCA is a nice one as well. Why don’t you consult the man-pages as usual?


❝ Does the package covers all the parameters as that of the WinNonlin. Does it gives the same result as that in the Phoenix WinNonlin Software

AFAIK, yes. Once you started the main man-pages (see above) click

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