built-in ifelse [🇷 for BE/BA]
Hi ElMaestro,
please see ifelse internals:
That's why Hadley implemented his own if_else function. Your one if in f2 is substituted to many of in f1. And the last part is two separated actions for 'No' and 'Yes'.
So you can write your own ifelse function (for your own purposes) which will be much faster than the built-in
And the winner is
please see ifelse internals:
function (test, yes, no)
if (is.atomic(test)) {
if (typeof(test) != "logical")
storage.mode(test) <- "logical"
if (length(test) == 1 && is.null(attributes(test))) {
if (is.na(test))
else if (test) {
if (length(yes) == 1) {
yat <- attributes(yes)
if (is.null(yat) || (is.function(yes) && identical(names(yat),
else if (length(no) == 1) {
nat <- attributes(no)
if (is.null(nat) || (is.function(no) && identical(names(nat),
else test <- if (isS4(test))
methods::as(test, "logical")
else as.logical(test)
ans <- test
ok <- !is.na(test)
if (any(test[ok]))
ans[test & ok] <- rep(yes, length.out = length(ans))[test & ok]
if (any(!test[ok]))
ans[!test & ok] <- rep(no, length.out = length(ans))[!test & ok]
That's why Hadley implemented his own if_else function. Your one if in f2 is substituted to many of in f1. And the last part is two separated actions for 'No' and 'Yes'.
So you can write your own ifelse function (for your own purposes) which will be much faster than the built-in
And the winner is
f3 = function(x, Len)
rslt=rep("foo", Len)
rslt[which(x==1, arr.ind = T)]="bar"
Kind regards,
Kind regards,
Complete thread:
- R Inferno Helmut 2019-04-26 16:03 [🇷 for BE/BA]
- full conditions! mittyri 2019-04-26 16:20
- full conditions! Helmut 2019-04-26 16:41
- full conditions! d_labes 2019-04-27 14:29
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- magik of R implicit return ElMaestro 2019-04-27 22:34
- implicit return? d_labes 2019-04-28 19:36
- implicit return? ElMaestro 2019-04-28 20:36
- implicit return? Helmut 2019-04-28 20:50
- implicit return? ElMaestro 2019-04-28 21:16
- implicit return? Helmut 2019-04-28 23:38
- implicit return? ElMaestro 2019-04-29 09:40
- implicit return? Helmut 2019-04-29 10:41
- implicit return? ElMaestro 2019-04-29 12:55
- built-in ifelsemittyri 2019-04-30 13:05
- implicit return? ElMaestro 2019-04-29 12:55
- implicit return? Helmut 2019-04-29 10:41
- implicit return? ElMaestro 2019-04-29 09:40
- implicit return? Helmut 2019-04-28 23:38
- implicit return? ElMaestro 2019-04-28 21:16
- implicit return? d_labes 2019-04-28 19:36
- magik of R implicit return ElMaestro 2019-04-27 22:34
- magik of R implicit return mittyri 2019-04-27 22:23
- full conditions! mittyri 2019-04-26 16:20