Example [Bioanalytics]
Hi ElMaestro,
played with an example of a study I have on my desk. Chiral GC/MS, quadratic model, w=1/x2.
I got:
Hey, yours with w=1/x1.3355 is the winner! Duno why the ICs of 1/sy² are that bad. Coding error? The accuracy looks fine. Try a plot:
played with an example of a study I have on my desk. Chiral GC/MS, quadratic model, w=1/x2.
ObjF1 <- function(x) {
w <- 1/Conc^x
M <- lm(Ratio ~ Conc + I(Conc^2), weights=w)
ObjF2 <- function(x) {
w <- 1/Ratio^x
M <- lm(Ratio ~ Conc + I(Conc^2), weights=w)
IC <- function(m, n) {
return(list(AIC=signif(extractAIC(m, k=2)[2],5),
BIC=signif(extractAIC(m, k=log(n))[2]),5))
Acc <- function(m, x, y) {
if (coef(m)[[3]] == 0) stop("panic!")
if (coef(m)[[3]] < 0 {
return(100*(-(coef(m)[[2]]/2/coef(m)[[3]] +
} else {
return(100*(-(coef(m)[[2]]/2/coef(m)[[3]] -
Conc <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.9, 0.9, 2, 2, 6, 6, 12, 12, 24, 24)
Ratio <- c(0.022, 0.024, 0.073, 0.068, 0.193, 0.204, 0.438, 0.433,
1.374, 1.376, 2.762, 2.732, 5.616, 5.477)
n <- length(Conc)
w.x1 <- 1/Conc
w.x2 <- 1/Conc^2
x.opt <- optimize(ObjF1, c(0, 10))$minimum
w.xo <- 1/Conc^x.opt
w.y1 <- 1/Ratio
w.y2 <- 1/Ratio^2
y.opt <- optimize(ObjF2, c(0, 10))$minimum
w.yo <- 1/Ratio^x.opt
dupl <- sum(duplicated(Conc))
var <- n/2
for (j in 1:dupl) {
var[j] <- var(c(Ratio[j], Ratio[j+1]))
w.var <- 1/rep(var, each=2)
m.1 <- lm(Ratio ~ Conc + I(Conc^2))
m.2 <- lm(Ratio ~ Conc + I(Conc^2), weights=w.x1)
m.3 <- lm(Ratio ~ Conc + I(Conc^2), weights=w.x2)
m.4 <- lm(Ratio ~ Conc + I(Conc^2), weights=w.xo)
m.5 <- lm(Ratio ~ Conc + I(Conc^2), weights=w.y1)
m.6 <- lm(Ratio ~ Conc + I(Conc^2), weights=w.y2)
m.7 <- lm(Ratio ~ Conc + I(Conc^2), weights=w.yo)
m.8 <- lm(Ratio ~ Conc + I(Conc^2), weights=w.var)
mods <- c("w=1", "w=1/x", "w=1/x^2", "w=1/x^opt",
"w=1/y", "w=1/y^2", "w=1/y^opt", "w=1/sd.y^2")
AIC <- c(IC(m.1, n=n)$AIC, IC(m.2, n=n)$AIC, IC(m.3, n=n)$AIC, IC(m.4, n=n)$AIC,
IC(m.5, n=n)$AIC, IC(m.6, n=n)$AIC, IC(m.7, n=n)$AIC, IC(m.8, n=n)$AIC)
BIC <- c(IC(m.1, n=n)$BIC, IC(m.2, n=n)$BIC, IC(m.3, n=n)$BIC, IC(m.4, n=n)$BIC,
IC(m.5, n=n)$BIC, IC(m.6, n=n)$BIC, IC(m.7, n=n)$BIC, IC(m.8, n=n)$BIC)
res1 <- data.frame(model=mods, exp=signif(c(0:2, x.opt, 1:2, y.opt, NA),5),
AIC=signif(AIC,5), BIC=signif(BIC,5))
res2 <- data.frame(Conc=Conc,
Acc(m=m.1, x=Conc, y=Ratio), Acc(m=m.2, x=Conc, y=Ratio),
Acc(m=m.3, x=Conc, y=Ratio), Acc(m=m.4, x=Conc, y=Ratio),
Acc(m=m.5, x=Conc, y=Ratio), Acc(m=m.6, x=Conc, y=Ratio),
Acc(m=m.7, x=Conc, y=Ratio), Acc(m=m.8, x=Conc, y=Ratio))
names(res2) <- c("Conc", mods)
cat("\nAkaike & Bayesian Information Critera (smaller is better)\n");print(res1);cat("\nAccuracy (%)\n");print(round(res2, 2), row.names=F)
I got:
Akaike & Bayesian Information Critera (smaller is better)
model exp AIC BIC
1 w=1 0.0000 -94.099 -92.181
2 w=1/x 1.0000 -127.480 -125.560
3 w=1/x^2 2.0000 -131.720 -129.800
4 w=1/x^opt 1.3355 -132.920 -131.010
5 w=1/y 1.0000 -106.670 -104.750
6 w=1/y^2 2.0000 -90.571 -88.654
7 w=1/y^opt 2.5220 -105.150 -103.230
8 w=1/sd.y^2 NA 62.387 64.304
Accuracy (%)
Conc w=1 w=1/x w=1/x^2 w=1/x^opt w=1/y w=1/y^2 w=1/y^opt w=1/sd.y^2
0.1 115.66 96.07 94.53 94.63 96.48 94.95 95.02 99.04
0.1 124.45 104.96 103.49 103.56 105.37 103.93 103.96 107.83
0.3 113.24 107.57 107.64 107.46 107.74 107.97 107.65 107.71
0.3 105.92 100.17 100.18 100.02 100.33 100.49 100.21 100.39
0.9 96.30 95.06 95.52 95.29 95.14 95.77 95.41 94.46
0.9 101.66 100.48 100.98 100.74 100.56 101.24 100.86 99.83
2.0 97.07 97.06 97.63 97.40 97.12 97.85 97.49 96.25
2.0 95.97 95.96 96.51 96.29 96.01 96.74 96.38 95.15
6.0 100.54 101.06 101.53 101.37 101.10 101.71 101.43 100.29
6.0 100.69 101.21 101.68 101.51 101.24 101.85 101.58 100.44
12.0 100.48 100.86 101.08 101.03 100.89 101.18 101.07 100.38
12.0 99.40 99.78 100.01 99.95 99.81 100.10 99.99 99.30
24.0 101.23 101.10 100.81 100.98 101.10 100.75 100.98 101.23
24.0 98.77 98.66 98.40 98.56 98.67 98.35 98.56 98.77
Hey, yours with w=1/x1.3355 is the winner! Duno why the ICs of 1/sy² are that bad. Coding error? The accuracy looks fine. Try a plot:
plot(Conc, Ratio, type="n", log="xy", las=1)
points(Conc, Ratio, pch=21, cex=1.5, col="blue", bg="#CCCCFF80")
curve(coef(m.4)[[1]]+coef(m.4)[[2]]*x+coef(m.4)[[3]]*x^2, range(Conc),
lwd=2, col="darkgreen", add=TRUE)
curve(coef(m.8)[[1]]+coef(m.8)[[2]]*x+coef(m.8)[[3]]*x^2, range(Conc),
lwd=2, col="red", add=TRUE)
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
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