experiments with a function optimization [Power / Sample Size]

posted by ElMaestro  – Denmark, 2019-02-04 23:31 (2079 d 10:16 ago) – Posting: # 19865
Views: 4,415


learning python is great fun :ok::-D

The code below is executing quite instantaneously on my machine.
It involves a simple re-write of the density function using the very handy shortcut noted on wikipedia.

import math

def DensityC(x, df):
    if ((df % 2) ==0):
       while (q>=3):
           Num = Num*q
           Den = Den*(q-1)
       x=(Num/Den)*math.pow(1.0+x*x/df, -( (df+1) / 2.0))
    if ((df % 2) ==1):
       while (q>=1):
           Num = Num*q
           Den = Den*(q-1)
       x=(Num/Den)*math.pow(1.0+x*x/df, -( (df+1) / 2.0))

def probtcum(df, t):
## note: for t>0 only, you can easily fix it for negative t
 while (i<100):
  y=DensityC(x, df)
  y1=DensityC(x+dx, df)
  y2=DensityC(x+dx+dx, df) 
  di = (dx/3)* (y+4*y1+y2)

def critvalt(df, p):
##fix it yourself for p lowe than 0.5 :-D
 while (integral<p):
  y=DensityC(x, df)
  y1=DensityC(x+dx, df)
  y2=DensityC(x+dx+dx, df) 
  di = (dx/3)* (y+4*y1+y2)
 ##aha!! now the solution is between x and x-2dx
 ##so we can just interpolate linearly
 a=di / (dx+dx)
 soln=(p-b) /a

## in R, pt(df=5, 0.4) is 0.6471634
p=probtcum(5, 0.4)
print("probt cumul at df=5 for x=0.4: ", p, "should be", 0.6471634)

## in R, qt(df=11, 0.95) is 1.795885
q=critvalt(11, 0.95)
print("critt at df=11 and p=0.95:     ", q, "should be", 1.795885)

Now don't feed it non-integer df's without extending the density function appropriately.

Pass or fail!

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