Subject exclusion [Outliers]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2018-10-04 01:47 (2168 d 08:40 ago) – Posting: # 19408
Views: 7,267

Hi Mohamed,

❝ ❝ first of all: Please follow the Forum’s Policy about avoiding TOFU. THX.

❝ Ok I will…

… but didn’t do. Why? :confused:

❝ May be but for me we have to include all numbers to check for the IQR and check for outliers

The IQR includes 50% of the data. So what? If you want to go the nonparametric route (which the EMA hates), consider screening for extreme outliers (construct whiskers with 2× or even 3× the IQR). With the default in most software (1.5× for moderate outliers) you may “detect” a lot.

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