Usage of different lots of RLDs in multistage adaptive studies [Regulatives / Guidelines]
Hi All,
Can we use different lots of RLDS in multistage studies as the study design requires more than 2 years of shelf-life for RLDs. If it is possible please help me to find any relevant regulatory guidance for the same.
Thank you.
Can we use different lots of RLDS in multistage studies as the study design requires more than 2 years of shelf-life for RLDs. If it is possible please help me to find any relevant regulatory guidance for the same.
Thank you.
Complete thread:
- Usage of different lots of RLDs in multistage adaptive studiesmanusyriac 2018-09-20 09:45 [Regulatives / Guidelines]
- Usage of different lots of RLDs in multistage adaptive studies ElMaestro 2018-09-20 12:19
- Usage of different lots of RLDs in multistage adaptive studies manusyriac 2018-09-20 13:05
- Usage of different lots of RLDs in multistage adaptive studies ElMaestro 2018-09-20 12:19