Need of cross validation between 2 different cc range [Bioanalytics]
In a clinical trial study where multiple doses are done and evaluation of PK concentration is carried out by 2 different bioanalytical method having different cc range (Low and high) and analysis is being done in different lab (Low cc range in lab 1 and high CC range in lab 2). should we conduct cross validation between both method. If yes then how will be the design of the cross validation.
Edit: Please follow the Forum’s Policy. [Helmut]
Edit: Please follow the Forum’s Policy. [Helmut]
Complete thread:
- Need of cross validation between 2 different cc rangeLmsmqa 2018-07-24 19:17 [Bioanalytics]
- Need of cross validation between 2 different cc range ElMaestro 2018-07-25 09:33
- Cross validation: same concentration range Helmut 2018-07-25 12:39