Impact of pooled variance (bias, CI) [Design Issues]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2018-06-13 17:02 (2280 d 02:11 ago) – Posting: # 18898
Views: 24,819

Hi Irene,

❝ Thank you for your explanation.

You are welcome. A picture tells more than a thousand words (AUC only). ;-)


The PE and its CI of T/R are similar. The small bias is caused by the fact that the average PE of S/R and T/S (\(\sqrt{141.09\times83.12}\)) is close to the T/R with 116.05. The other comparisons show negative biases. The CI of S/R is narrower in the pooled model and the CI of T/S is wider.
We don’t want to go there.

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