Pathway for Softgel vs Tablet Comparison [Design Issues]
Have you read this guidance? FDA
❝ However I have a case where a BE study was conducted comparing Metronidazole tablet (Reference) with Metronidazole soft gel (test). Both were IR. Is this acceptable?
Have you read this guidance? FDA
Complete thread:
- Bioequivalence of IR vs MR tablet heritage 2018-05-05 06:25 [Design Issues]
- Consider 505(b)(2) Pathway bebac_fan 2018-05-05 17:08
- Pathway for Softgel vs Tablet Comparison Obinoscopy 2018-05-15 19:04
- Pathway for Softgel vs Tablet Comparisonjag009 2018-05-18 16:33
- Pathway for Softgel vs Tablet Comparison Obinoscopy 2018-05-15 19:04
- Consider 505(b)(2) Pathway bebac_fan 2018-05-05 17:08