Updated R-code [🇷 for BE/BA]
❝ Now it's already randomized by gender as well. When I say randomize by gender, it should not generate the answer:
❝ 1 F
❝ 2 F
❝ 3 F
❝ 4 F
❝ 5 F
❝ 6 F
❝ 7 M
❝ 8 M
❝ 9 M
❝ 10 M
❝ 11 M
❝ 12 M
Did you try it? It doesn’t. But don’t use my previous codes because you might get different numbers of females and males in the sequences.

RT, F: 6
RT, M: 2
TR, F: 2
TR, M: 6
❝ My question now, for me to do the same for 3x3 crossover studies: (TTR) (RRT)
That’s an unusual design.
❝ and 4x4: (TTRR) (TRTR) ...
And this one is strange, IMHO.
❝ how to change the formula?
I packed everything into a function with some fair degree of error handling.
random.sex <- function(n, sequences = c("TR", "RT"),
seed, extend = c("no", "down", "up")) {
if (missing(n)) stop("Number of subjects must be given.")
ext <- switch(match.arg(extend, c("no", "down", "up")),
no = 0,
down = -1,
up = +1,
stop("invalid 'extend'."))
sequences <- sort(sequences, decreasing = TRUE)
no.seqs <- length(sequences)
if (n %% no.seqs != 0)
stop("Number of subjects must be a multiple of sequences.")
n.orig <- n
if (n %% (no.seqs*2) != 0 & ext != 0) {
if (ext == -1) {
n <- n - no.seqs
msg <- "decreased"
} else {
n <- n + no.seqs
msg <- "increased"
if (missing(seed)) seed <- runif(1, max = 1E7)
blocksize <- n/no.seqs
sex <- rep(c("F", "M"), each = blocksize / no.seqs)
if (length(sex) == 0) sex <- c("F", "M")
periods <- unique(nchar(sequences))
per.name <- paste("period", 1:periods)
random <- RL4(nsubj = n, seqs = sequences, seed = seed,
blocksize = blocksize, randctrl = TRUE)
per <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = nrow(random$rl),
ncol = periods,
dimnames=list(NULL, per.name)))
for (j in 1:periods) {
per[, j] <- paste0(substr(random$rl$sequence, j, j), " ")
random$rl <- cbind(random$rl, per, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (j in 1:no.seqs) {
random$rl$sex[random$rl$sequence == sequences[j]] <- sample(sex)
random$rl <- random$rl[, c("subject", "sex", "seqno", "sequence",
cat("\n"); print(random, sumry = TRUE)
collect <- NULL
for (j in no.seqs:1) {
F <- sum(random$rl$sex[random$rl$sequence == sequences[j]] == "F")
M <- sum(random$rl$sex[random$rl$sequence == sequences[j]] == "M")
cat(paste0("\n", sequences[j], ", F: ", F,
"\n", sequences[j], ", M: ", M))
collect <- c(collect, M, F)
if (length(unique(collect)) > 1 & ext == 0)
cat("Warning message:",
"\nBalanced randomisation by sex not possible",
"\nwith the given sample size.\n")
if (ext != 0 & n != n.orig)
cat("Sample size", msg, "from", n.orig, "to",
"\nget balanced randomisation by sex.\n")
random.sex(n = 12, sequences = c("TR", "RT"))
givesRandomization table created: 2018-02-27 16:54:34
(seed: 666027 blocksize: 6 )
subject sex seqno sequence period 1 period 2
1 M 2 RT R T
2 F 2 RT R T
3 M 1 TR T R
4 F 1 TR T R
5 F 1 TR T R
6 M 2 RT R T
7 F 2 RT R T
8 F 2 RT R T
9 M 1 TR T R
10 F 1 TR T R
11 M 1 TR T R
12 M 2 RT R T
Summary of randomisation
12 subjects randomized into 2 sequence groups.
Number of subjects in sequence groups:
6 6
Runs test of randomness: p.value=0.2259
RT, F: 3
RT, M: 3
TR, F: 3
TR, M: 3
random.sex(n = 12, sequences = c("TRT", "RTR"))
givesRandomization table created: 2018-02-27 16:55:15
(seed: 6305806 blocksize: 6 )
subject sex seqno sequence period 1 period 2 period 3
1 F 2 RTR R T R
2 F 1 TRT T R T
3 M 2 RTR R T R
4 M 1 TRT T R T
5 M 2 RTR R T R
6 M 1 TRT T R T
7 F 2 RTR R T R
8 F 1 TRT T R T
9 M 2 RTR R T R
10 F 2 RTR R T R
11 F 1 TRT T R T
12 M 1 TRT T R T
Summary of randomisation
12 subjects randomized into 2 sequence groups.
Number of subjects in sequence groups:
6 6
Runs test of randomness: p.value=0.0693
RTR, F: 3
RTR, M: 3
TRT, F: 3
TRT, M: 3
random.sex(n = 12, sequences = c("TRTR", "RTRT"))
givesRandomization table created: 2018-02-27 16:56:30
(seed: 3391479 blocksize: 6 )
subject sex seqno sequence period 1 period 2 period 3 period 4
1 F 2 RTRT R T R T
2 F 1 TRTR T R T R
3 M 1 TRTR T R T R
4 F 2 RTRT R T R T
5 F 1 TRTR T R T R
6 M 2 RTRT R T R T
7 M 2 RTRT R T R T
8 M 1 TRTR T R T R
9 M 2 RTRT R T R T
10 F 1 TRTR T R T R
11 M 1 TRTR T R T R
12 F 2 RTRT R T R T
Summary of randomisation
12 subjects randomized into 2 sequence groups.
Number of subjects in sequence groups:
6 6
Runs test of randomness: p.value=0.2259
RTRT, F: 3
RTRT, M: 3
TRTR, F: 3
TRTR, M: 3
random.sex(n = 12, sequences = c("TRR", "RTR", "RRT"))
givesRandomization table created: 2018-02-27 16:57:49
(seed: 1819956 blocksize: 3 )
subject sex seqno sequence period 1 period 2 period 3
1 M 1 TRR T R R
2 F 2 RTR R T R
3 M 3 RRT R R T
4 M 2 RTR R T R
5 F 1 TRR T R R
6 F 3 RRT R R T
7 M 1 TRR T R R
8 F 2 RTR R T R
9 M 3 RRT R R T
10 F 1 TRR T R R
11 F 3 RRT R R T
12 M 2 RTR R T R
Summary of randomisation
12 subjects randomized into 3 sequence groups.
Number of subjects in sequence groups:
4 4 4
Runs test of randomness: p.value=0.2502
RRT, F: 2
RRT, M: 2
RTR, F: 2
RTR, M: 2
TRR, F: 2
TRR, M: 2
Warning message:
Blocksize is not a multiple of sequences! Blocksize adapted to 3.
random.sex(n = 12, sequences = williams(ntmt = 3))
givesRandomization table created: 2018-02-27 21:13:16
(seed: 2807886 blocksize: 6 )
subject sex seqno sequence period 1 period 2 period 3
1 M 3 BCA B C A
2 F 2 CAB C A B
3 M 4 BAC B A C
4 F 6 ABC A B C
5 M 5 ACB A C B
6 M 1 CBA C B A
7 F 3 BCA B C A
8 F 4 BAC B A C
9 F 5 ACB A C B
10 F 1 CBA C B A
11 M 6 ABC A B C
12 M 2 CAB C A B
Summary of randomisation
12 subjects randomized into 6 sequence groups.
Number of subjects in sequence groups:
2 2 2 2 2 2
Runs test of randomness: p.value=1.0000
ABC, F: 1
ABC, M: 1
ACB, F: 1
ACB, M: 1
BAC, F: 1
BAC, M: 1
BCA, F: 1
BCA, M: 1
CAB, F: 1
CAB, M: 1
CBA, F: 1
CBA, M: 1
random.sex(n = 12, sequences = williams(ntmt = 4))
givesRandomization table created: 2018-02-27 21:40:29
(seed: 8600620 blocksize: 4 )
subject sex seqno sequence period 1 period 2 period 3 period 4
1 M 3 BCAD B C A D
2 F 2 CDBA C D B A
3 M 4 ABDC A B D C
4 F 1 DACB D A C B
5 F 3 BCAD B C A D
6 M 2 CDBA C D B A
7 M 1 DACB D A C B
8 F 4 ABDC A B D C
9 F 1 DACB D A C B
10 F 2 CDBA C D B A
11 M 3 BCAD B C A D
12 M 4 ABDC A B D C
Summary of randomisation
12 subjects randomized into 4 sequence groups.
Number of subjects in sequence groups:
3 3 3 3
Runs test of randomness: p.value=0.2259
ABDC, F: 1
ABDC, M: 2
BCAD, F: 1
BCAD, M: 2
CDBA, F: 2
CDBA, M: 1
DACB, F: 2
DACB, M: 1
Warning message:
Balanced randomisation by sex not possible
with the given sample size.
Note the warning. You would need 8 or 16 subjects if you want sex balanced within the 4 sequences. If you insist in this, you can used the optional argument
. Decreasing the sample size by extend="down"
is also supported but doesn’t make much sense.random.sex(n = 12, sequences = williams(ntmt = 4), extend = "up")
givesRandomization table created: 2018-02-28 00:29:38
(seed: 2223505 blocksize: 4 )
subject sex seqno sequence period 1 period 2 period 3 period 4
1 F 1 DACB D A C B
2 F 2 CDBA C D B A
3 M 3 BCAD B C A D
4 F 4 ABDC A B D C
5 M 2 CDBA C D B A
6 M 4 ABDC A B D C
7 F 3 BCAD B C A D
8 M 1 DACB D A C B
9 F 1 DACB D A C B
10 M 3 BCAD B C A D
11 F 2 CDBA C D B A
12 F 4 ABDC A B D C
13 M 1 DACB D A C B
14 M 4 ABDC A B D C
15 M 2 CDBA C D B A
16 F 3 BCAD B C A D
Summary of randomisation
16 subjects randomized into 4 sequence groups.
Number of subjects in sequence groups:
4 4 4 4
Runs test of randomness: p.value=0.1205
ABDC, F: 2
ABDC, M: 2
BCAD, F: 2
BCAD, M: 2
CDBA, F: 2
CDBA, M: 2
DACB, F: 2
DACB, M: 2
Sample size increased from 12 to
get balanced randomisation by sex.
If you want to reproduce a run, add the argument
to the function call (where X
is the seed given in the output of the previous run).Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
![[image]](https://static.bebac.at/img/CC by.png)
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
- randomization Ana Cristina 2018-02-23 21:33 [🇷 for BE/BA]
- randomization ElMaestro 2018-02-23 22:24
- randomization Ana Cristina 2018-02-24 16:47
- randomization ElMaestro 2018-02-24 17:32
- package randomizeBE for R on steroids Helmut 2018-02-24 17:52
- Randomization of gender d_labes 2018-02-26 11:56
- Simplified R-code Helmut 2018-02-26 15:46
- Simplified R-code Ana Cristina 2018-02-27 13:16
- Updated R-codeHelmut 2018-02-27 17:06
- Gender in crossover d_labes 2018-02-28 08:43
- Gender in crossover nobody 2018-02-28 10:14
- Sex in crossover Helmut 2018-02-28 12:42
- Sex in crossover Helmut 2018-02-28 12:27
- OT: Sex / gender d_labes 2018-02-28 14:42
- OT: Sex / gender Helmut 2018-02-28 14:58
- OT: Sex / gender Ana Cristina 2018-03-01 03:16
- OT: Sex / gender Helmut 2018-02-28 14:58
- OT: Sex / gender d_labes 2018-02-28 14:42
- Gender in crossover nobody 2018-02-28 10:14
- Updated R-code Beholder 2020-04-08 12:31
- Gender in crossover d_labes 2018-02-28 08:43
- Updated R-codeHelmut 2018-02-27 17:06
- Simplified R-code Ana Cristina 2018-02-27 13:16
- Simplified R-code Helmut 2018-02-26 15:46