Pooling is fooling? [🇷 for BE/BA]
Hi ElMaestro and all,
If I crossed the line, please accept my sincere apologies.
I examined data (CVintra of Cmax of MR MPH) from the public domain and some of my studies. Doesn’t matter whether a chiral method is used or not since the in vivo interconversion is negligible.
and got this (■ denote CVs > the upper CL of the pooled CV; power for a GMR of 1 in the right margin):
Oops! Apples and oranges.
What we also see: Variability was the highest in study #12 (MR vs. IR), whereas MD (#16) showed only half of the variability of SD (#15) although the accumulation was <1%.
For the subset (same product, SD, same analytical method):
Here using the upper CL of the pooled CV would “work” but using the highest CV would be even more conservative.
❝ I will take it in good spirit that for some it can be difficult to accept diverging opinions without lashing out in a personal fashion. My ambition with my everyday dialogue is to keep the conversation on the healthy side of the fine line that separates humor from venomous hints.
If I crossed the line, please accept my sincere apologies.
❝ There is no particular scientific reason to assume variance homogeneity for studies done at different times, at different locations, under different designs, with different SOPs, using different equipment and protocols etc. If I am not mistaken this is what we are doing when we pool CVs like described here.
I examined data (CVintra of Cmax of MR MPH) from the public domain and some of my studies. Doesn’t matter whether a chiral method is used or not since the in vivo interconversion is negligible.
CVs <- ("
CV |n |design|no|source |type |food |reg|assay |method
0.1971|33|3x6x3 |1 |Modi et al. 2000 |dose prop|fast |SD |LC-MS/MS|chiral
0.2180|24|4x4 |2 |Midha et al 2001 |food eff |fast/fed|SD |GC/ECD |chiral
0.1658|19|2x2x2 |3 |Markowitz et al. 2003 |BE |fast |SD |LC-MS/MS|achiral
0.1378|23|3x3 |4 |Rochdi et al. 2005 |dose prop|fast |SD |LC-MS/MS|achiral
0.0890|12|2x2x2 |5 |Fischer et al. 2006 |sprinkle |fed |SD |GC/MS |achiral
0.2028|19|3x3 |6 |Patrick et al. 2007 |alcohol |fed |SD |LC-MS/MS|chiral
0.0870|24|3x3 |7 |Tuerck et al. 2007 |line ext |fast |SD |LC-MS/MS|chiral
0.1415|27|4x4 |8a|Haessler et al. 2008 |BE |fast |SD |LC-MS/MS|achiral
0.1741|26|4x4 |8b|Haessler et al. 2008 |BE |fed |SD |LC-MS/MS|achiral
0.1965|13|2x2x2 |9 |Schütz et al. 2009 |BE |fed |SD |GC/MS |achiral
0.1398|16|4x4 |10|Wang et al. 2004 |BE |fast |SD |LC-MS/MS|achiral
0.1202|12|4x4 |11|6520-9973-03 |food eff |fast/fed|SD |GC/MS |achiral
0.2381|12|2x2x2 |12|6520-9979-04 |MR/IR |fed |SD |GC/MS |achiral
0.2052|12|2x2x2 |13|EudraCT 2005-004375-38|BE |fed |SD |GC/MS |achiral
0.1049|11|3x6x3 |14|EudraCT 2009-013059-31|pilot |fed |SD |GC/MS |achiral
0.1793|15|2x2x2 |15|EudraCT 2009-015822-12|line ext |fed |SD |GC/MS |chiral
0.0854|16|2x2x2 |16|EudraCT 2010-021272-28|line ext |fed |MD |GC/MS |chiral
0.1347|18|3x6x3 |17|EudraCT 2011-002358-30|pilot |fed |SD |GC/MS |chiral")
txtcon <- textConnection(CVs)
CVdata <- read.table(txtcon, header=TRUE, sep="|", strip.white=TRUE, as.is=TRUE)
alpha <- 0.05
alphaCL <- 0.2
CVp <- CVpooled(CVdata, alpha=alphaCL)
for (j in seq_along(row.names(CVdata))) {
n <- CVdata$n[j]
CVdata$pwr.GMR1[j] <- suppressMessages(power.TOST(CV=CVdata$CV[j], theta0=1,
n=n, design=CVdata$design[j]))
CVdata$df[j] <- eval(parse(text=
known.designs()[which(known.designs()[["design"]] ==
CVdata$design[j]), "df"], srcfile=NULL))
CL <- CVCL(CV=CVdata$CV[j], df=CVdata$df[j], side="2-sided", alpha=alpha)
CVdata$CLlo[j] <- signif(CL[["lower CL"]], 4)
CVdata$CLhi[j] <- signif(CL[["upper CL"]], 4)
ifelse (CVdata$CLhi[j] > CVp$CVupper, CVdata$sig[j] <- "*",
CVdata$sig[j] <- "ns")
CVdata$N.CV[j] <- sampleN.TOST(CV=CVdata$CV[j], design="2x2x2",
print=FALSE)[["Sample size"]]
CVdata$N.CL[j] <- sampleN.TOST(CV=CVCL(CV=CVdata$CV[j], df=CVdata$df[j],
side="2-sided", alpha=alphaCL)[["upper CL"]],
design="2x2x2", print=FALSE)[["Sample size"]]
CVdata$w.var <- CV2mse(CVdata$CV)*CVdata$df
dftot <- sum(CVdata$df)
CVCL <- CVCL(CV=CVp$CV, df=dftot, side="2-sided", alpha=alpha)
print(CVp, verbose=TRUE); print(CVdata, row.names=FALSE)
ylim <- c(1, max(as.numeric(row.names(CVdata)))+1)
xlim <- range(c(CVdata$CLlo, CVdata$CLhi))
xlab <- sprintf("CV (%i%% CL)", 100*(1-alpha))
ylab <- "Study #"
ycorr <- 18*0.025/(diff(ylim))
op <- par(ask=TRUE)
plot(CVdata$CV, row.names(CVdata), type="n", log="x", axes=FALSE,
frame.plot=TRUE, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab)
axis(1, at=pretty(xlim), labels=sprintf("%.0f%%", pretty(100*xlim)))
axis(2, at=1:nrow(CVdata), labels=CVdata$no, tick=FALSE, las=1)
axis(3, at=CVp$CV, labels=sprintf("%.2f%%", 100*CVp$CV))
abline(v=c(CVp$CV, CVCL[["upper CL"]]), lty=c(1, 3), col="blue")
for (j in seq_along(row.names(CVdata))) {
if (CVdata$CV[j] > CVCL[["upper CL"]])
points(CVdata$CV[j], j, pch=15, cex=1.1, col="red")
arrows(x0=CVdata$CLlo[j], y0=j, x1=CVdata$CLhi[j], y1=j,
length=ycorr*2, angle=90, code=3)
points(CVdata$CV[j], j, pch=3, cex=1.5)
mtext(4, text=sprintf("%4.1f%%", 100*CVdata$pwr.GMR1[j]), at=j,
line=2.6, las=1, cex=0.85, adj=1)
loc <- max(as.numeric(row.names(CVdata)))+1
polygon(x=c(CVCL[["lower CL"]], CVp$CV, CVCL[["upper CL"]],
CVp$CV, CVCL[["lower CL"]]),
y=c(loc, loc-ycorr*8, loc, loc+ycorr*8, loc),
border=NA, col="lightblue")
text(x=CVCL[["upper CL"]], y=loc, pos=4,
labels=paste0("pooled CV (", 100*(1-alphaCL), "% CI)"))
mtext(4, text="power:\nGMR 1", at=loc, line=0.5, las=1, cex=0.85)
CVset1 <- subset(CVdata, no %in% c("5", "9", "13", "14", "15", "17"))
CVp1 <- CVpooled(CVset1, alpha=alpha)
for (j in seq_along(row.names(CVset1))) {
ifelse (CVset1$CV[j] > CVp1$CVupper, CVset1$sig[j] <- "*",
CVset1$sig[j] <- "ns")
CVset1$w.var <- CV2mse(CVset1$CV)*CVset1$df
dftot <- sum(CVset1$df)
CVCL <- CVCL(CV=CVp1$CV, df=dftot, side="2-sided", alpha=alpha)
print(CVp1, verbose=TRUE); print(CVset1, row.names=FALSE)
CVset1$study <- seq_along(1:length(CVset1$n))
ylim <- c(1, nrow(CVset1)+1)
ycorr <- 18*0.025/(diff(ylim))
plot(CVset1$CV, 1:nrow(CVset1), type="n", log="x", axes=FALSE,
frame.plot=TRUE, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab)
axis(1, at=pretty(xlim), labels=sprintf("%.0f%%", pretty(100*xlim)))
axis(2, at=1:nrow(CVset1), labels=CVset1$no, tick=FALSE, las=1)
axis(3, at=CVp1$CV, labels=sprintf("%.2f%%", 100*CVp1$CV))
abline(v=c(CVp1$CV, CVCL[["upper CL"]]), lty=c(1, 3), col="blue")
for (j in seq_along(row.names(CVset1))) {
if (CVset1$CV[j] > CVCL[["upper CL"]])
points(CVset1$CV[j], j, pch=15, cex=1.1, col="red")
arrows(x0=CVset1$CLlo[j], y0=j, x1=CVset1$CLhi[j], y1=j,
length=ycorr/1.5, angle=90, code=3)
points(CVset1$CV[j], j, pch=3, cex=1.5)
mtext(4, text=sprintf("%4.1f%%", 100*CVdata$pwr.GMR1[j]), at=j,
line=2.6, las=1, cex=0.85, adj=1)
loc <- nrow(CVset1)+1
polygon(x=c(CVCL[["lower CL"]], CVp1$CV, CVCL[["upper CL"]],
CVp1$CV, CVCL[["lower CL"]]),
y=c(loc, loc-ycorr, loc, loc+ycorr, loc),
border=NA, col="lightblue")
text(x=CVCL[["upper CL"]], y=loc, pos=4,
labels=paste0("pooled CV (", 100*(1-alphaCL), "% CI)"))
mtext(4, text="power:\nGMR 1", at=loc, line=0.5, las=1, cex=0.85)
and got this (■ denote CVs > the upper CL of the pooled CV; power for a GMR of 1 in the right margin):
Oops! Apples and oranges.
What we also see: Variability was the highest in study #12 (MR vs. IR), whereas MD (#16) showed only half of the variability of SD (#15) although the accumulation was <1%.
For the subset (same product, SD, same analytical method):
Here using the upper CL of the pooled CV would “work” but using the highest CV would be even more conservative.
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
- Function CVpooled (package PowerTOST) Elena777 2018-01-21 08:53 [🇷 for BE/BA]
- Function CVpooled (lengthy answer) Helmut 2018-01-21 17:21
- Function CVpooled (lengthy answer) Elena777 2018-01-27 10:11
- Function CVpooled (package PowerTOST) ElMaestro 2018-01-27 22:28
- Common sense Helmut 2018-01-28 00:27
- Common sense ElMaestro 2018-01-28 08:43
- Alzheimer’s Helmut 2018-01-28 11:38
- Common sense ElMaestro 2018-01-28 08:43
- To pool or not to pool d_labes 2018-01-28 13:52
- Common sense Helmut 2018-01-28 00:27
- Function CVpooled (package PowerTOST) ElMaestro 2018-01-29 00:07
- Pooling is fooling?Helmut 2018-01-29 17:53
- Pooling is fooling? nobody 2018-01-29 19:21
- Life is good ElMaestro 2018-01-30 18:23
- Life is good nobody 2018-01-30 18:31
- Life is good ElMaestro 2018-01-30 18:23
- Pooling is fooling? nobody 2018-01-29 19:21
- Pooling is fooling?Helmut 2018-01-29 17:53
- Function CVpooled (lengthy answer) Helmut 2018-01-21 17:21