Numbers don't lie [Power / Sample Size]

posted by ElMaestro  – Denmark, 2017-12-28 21:13 (2452 d 01:53 ago) – Posting: # 18118
Views: 33,997

Dear all,

today I was flipping a coin two times and recording the number of times I got tails.
I defined success as any outcome associated with two tails.

I got two tails and the experiment was a success.
What was the power, given the outcome?

At this point it is clearly experimentally proven that the coin only shows tails, so power was obviously 100%.

Some of you may insist that I was just "lucky", whatever the hell that means. To this backward perception I must clearly refer to the truth illustrated by the numbers: This was not luck, it was meant to happen by way of the nature of the coin.

Numbers don't lie. Humans do. Don't believe all the rubbish from the usual subjects in this thread, like Chewbacca and The Berlin Chimney. They are clearly not so well connected with real life as I am. It is incredible what some people can get away with nowadays.

Pass or fail!

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