Homecooked solution? [🇷 for BE/BA]

posted by ElMaestro  – Denmark, 2017-08-30 01:18 (2718 d 08:20 ago) – Posting: # 17753
Views: 8,513

Hi all,

since no standard function exists which helps me along, I wrote the stuff below.
The structure of the input file is like in the appendices for Schütz, Labes, Fuglsang's paper in the AAPS Journal.
I am sure the code police will tell me this isn't efficient :-D because the same could be achieved with fewer code lines or some apply family calls. I am sure that is correct. Does the code achieve its goal properly, though? That is a much more interesting question. Not at all throughly tested and certainly not validated.
The purpose is to allow some CI info where we don't ask for "T/R" but perhaps for "R/T" or for "B/D" or "Foo/Bar", whatever.

Extract.Hot.Info=function(TreatmentRatio, Z)
  i=regexpr("/", TreatmentRatio)
  T1=substring(TreatmentRatio, 1, i-1)
  T2=substring(TreatmentRatio, i+1, nchar(TreatmentRatio)) ##heck!
  for (i in 1:nrow(Z))
    if (as.character(Z[i,1]) == T1) E1=as.numeric(Z[i,2])
    if (as.character(Z[i,1]) == T2) E2=as.numeric(Z[i,2])

Get.CI.BE=function(FName,  alpha, TreatmentRatio, Stage.Term=F)
  A=read.table(FName, header=T) ##Note Var is untransformed
  if (Stage.Term)
   M=lm(log(Var)~factor(Trt)+factor(Seq)+factor(Per)+factor(Subj)+factor(Stg), data=A)
   M=lm(log(Var)~factor(Trt)+factor(Seq)+factor(Per)+factor(Subj), data=A)
  Eff.Lvls=rep(0, length(Trt.Lvls)) ##pseudo effect levels. Usefyl for for extr. of differences
  for (i in 1:nrow(Sc))
  for (j in 1:length(Trt.Lvls))
    x=paste("factor(Trt)", as.character(Trt.Lvls[j]), sep="")
    if (rownames(Sc)[i]==x) { Eff.Lvls[j]=Sc[i,1]; SEdiffs=Sc[i,2]}
  Z=data.frame(Trt.Lvls, Eff.Lvls)
  logL=Diff.LogScale-SEdiffs*qt(p=1-alpha, df=df)
  logU=Diff.LogScale+SEdiffs*qt(p=1-alpha, df=df)
  L=list(PE=exp(Diff.LogScale), Lower=exp(logL), Upper=exp(logU))
## call it like Get.CI.BE("Cojones.txt",  0.05, "T/R", F)

Pass or fail!

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