increased solubility = different PK profile? [Dissolution / BCS / IVIVC]
❝ O.k., I see I need to add some more information. The idea behind this question is to develop an oral formulation with a less drug load than the reference product but with the same bioavailability in order to decrease non-systemic adverse events.
If you claim less AEs, you will have to proof it. In my opinion. So: Clinical trials ahead, I guess.
Kindest regards, nobody
Kindest regards, nobody
Complete thread:
- increased solubility = different PK profile? Dr_Dan 2017-06-08 16:57 [Dissolution / BCS / IVIVC]
- increased solubility = different PK profile? nobody 2017-06-08 17:16
- increased solubility = different PK profile? Helmut 2017-06-08 17:18
- increased solubility = different PK profile? nobody 2017-06-08 17:22
- ka vs. Cmax Helmut 2017-06-09 14:35
- ka vs. Cmax nobody 2017-06-09 16:27
- ka vs. Cmax mittyri 2017-06-10 14:59
- ka vs. Cmax Helmut 2017-06-09 14:35
- increased solubility = different PK profile? nobody 2017-06-08 17:22
- increased solubility = different PK profile? ElMaestro 2017-06-08 17:24
- increased solubility = different PK profile? Dr_Dan 2017-06-08 17:36
- increased solubility = different PK profile?nobody 2017-06-08 17:43
- increased solubility = different PK profile? Ohlbe 2017-06-08 18:23
- increased solubility = different PK profile? nobody 2017-06-08 18:58
- increased solubility = different PK profile? ElMaestro 2017-06-08 18:45
- increased solubility = different PK profile? nobody 2017-06-08 18:57
- increased solubility = different PK profile? nobody 2017-06-09 09:38
- increased solubility = different PK profile? nobody 2017-06-08 18:57
- increased solubility = different PK profile? Dr_Dan 2017-06-08 17:36
- increased solubility = different PK profile? Kiran 2017-06-24 11:02