endogenous compounds [Regulatives / Guidelines]
Hi Helmut,
Thank you very much for your response - much appreciated.
Regarding distributions - thank you for the reminder & sorry for not being clear
We look at the end of the profile assuming C0=C1 this would lead to
best regards
Thank you very much for your response - much appreciated.
Regarding distributions - thank you for the reminder & sorry for not being clear
We look at the end of the profile assuming C0=C1 this would lead to
C0 <- rlnorm(n=1e6, meanlog=log(1)-0.5*log(0.3^2+1), sdlog=sqrt(log(0.3^2+1)))
C1 <- rlnorm(n=1e6, meanlog=log(1)-0.5*log(0.3^2+1), sdlog=sqrt(log(0.3^2+1)))
C1.adj <- C1/C0
hist(log(C1.adj)) # taking the log-normal distribution into account
best regards
Complete thread:
- endogenous compounds martin 2017-05-08 19:50 [Regulatives / Guidelines]
- endogenous compounds Helmut 2017-05-08 21:10
- endogenous compoundsmartin 2017-05-08 21:19
- endogenous compounds Helmut 2017-05-08 21:10