Justification for the lack of incurred sample reanalysis [Regulatives / Guidelines]
Dear Irene
Please search the forum and you will find a lot of discussion on ISR. The guideline put an expiry date on old studies. If you now submit a study without ISR then this study does not reflect current scientific knowledge and will be certainly rejected. IMHO you can not argue the absence of ISR with 90% confidence interval even if the study result is not borderline.
Please search the forum and you will find a lot of discussion on ISR. The guideline put an expiry date on old studies. If you now submit a study without ISR then this study does not reflect current scientific knowledge and will be certainly rejected. IMHO you can not argue the absence of ISR with 90% confidence interval even if the study result is not borderline.
Kind regards and have a nice day
Kind regards and have a nice day
Complete thread:
- Justification for the lack of incurred sample reanalysis irene 2017-02-13 07:58 [Regulatives / Guidelines]
- Justification for the lack of incurred sample reanalysisDr_Dan 2017-02-14 17:20
- Justification for the lack of incurred sample reanalysis irene 2017-02-15 07:56
- Justification for the lack of incurred sample reanalysisDr_Dan 2017-02-14 17:20