Scaling of Cmin [Regulatives / Guidelines]
Dear Helmut,
Have you solved this puzzle?
I must confess that Liu's article is too hard for me. I understand that the idea of scaling is based on assessment of within-subject variability after the administration of only Reference formulation.
But article is targeting repeated crossover studies (RRTT|TTRR) for assessment of population/individual bioequivalence. Due to this, a more complicated statistical model was proposed and justified. But we are not interested in population bioequivalence now.
Would it be correct to analyze only a reference subset of data to estimate the variability of reference PK parameter only? Let's assume I'm interested only in possibility of widening of acceptance limits for Ctau_ss, do I need test formulation data at all?
We will not have different formulations in resulting subset, just factors of period + sequence + subject + repetition.
I have reduced Liu's dataset to have:
subject - 20 levels (1-20)
sequence - 2 levels (RT and TR)
period - 2 levels (1 or 2)
repetition - 2 levels (1 or 2)
AUC for Reference formulation.
Which gives me:
Residual MS is higher than reported by Lui for Reference formulation ('MS(R) = 0.03094'), thus it seems that I'm overestimating the variability of the Reference in this simplified model.
Thank you very much in advance!
Regards, VStus
Sorry for confusion: this is not a replicate design
Have you solved this puzzle?
I must confess that Liu's article is too hard for me. I understand that the idea of scaling is based on assessment of within-subject variability after the administration of only Reference formulation.
But article is targeting repeated crossover studies (RRTT|TTRR) for assessment of population/individual bioequivalence. Due to this, a more complicated statistical model was proposed and justified. But we are not interested in population bioequivalence now.
Would it be correct to analyze only a reference subset of data to estimate the variability of reference PK parameter only? Let's assume I'm interested only in possibility of widening of acceptance limits for Ctau_ss, do I need test formulation data at all?
We will not have different formulations in resulting subset, just factors of period + sequence + subject + repetition.
I have reduced Liu's dataset to have:
subject - 20 levels (1-20)
sequence - 2 levels (RT and TR)
period - 2 levels (1 or 2)
repetition - 2 levels (1 or 2)
AUC for Reference formulation.
Which gives me:
anova(lm(log(AUC) ~ prd + seq + rep + subj:seq, data=data, na.action=na.exclude))
## Residuals 19 0.60602 0.031896
## [1] 18.00281
Residual MS is higher than reported by Lui for Reference formulation ('MS(R) = 0.03094'), thus it seems that I'm overestimating the variability of the Reference in this simplified model.
Thank you very much in advance!
Regards, VStus
Sorry for confusion: this is not a replicate design
Complete thread:
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