Paired vs. crossover [Software]
For a 2x2 cross-over, the following code will get you everything you need (ods outputs LSMeandiffCL, LSMeans, AltErrTests and OverallANOVA)
Formulation and Period p values come from OverallAnova, while sequence p value from AltErrTests.
This code in principle will fit both EMA and FDA requirements for a 2x2 design. Although FDA requests subject within sequence as random effect, this will not change the result.
For a 2x2 cross-over, the following code will get you everything you need (ods outputs LSMeandiffCL, LSMeans, AltErrTests and OverallANOVA)
proc glm data=replicate;
class formulation subject period sequence;
model logDATA= sequence subject (sequence) period formulation;
estimate "test-ref" formulation -1+1;
test h=sequence e=subject(sequence);
lsmeans formulation / adjust=t pdiff=control("R") CL alpha=0.10;
Formulation and Period p values come from OverallAnova, while sequence p value from AltErrTests.
This code in principle will fit both EMA and FDA requirements for a 2x2 design. Although FDA requests subject within sequence as random effect, this will not change the result.
Complete thread:
- SAS Maryam 2017-01-13 16:28 [Software]
- SAS Mahmoud 2017-01-15 08:56
- Paired vs. crossover Helmut 2017-01-15 12:16
- Paired vs. crossover Maryam 2017-01-15 16:44
- SAS Maryam 2017-01-15 16:31
- Paired vs. crossover Helmut 2017-01-15 12:16
- SAS Mahmoud 2017-01-15 14:36
- SAS Maryam 2017-01-15 16:50
- SAS Mahmoud 2017-01-16 10:08
- SAS Mahmoud 2017-01-15 08:56