Running R on Android: correcting VNCserver startup error [🇷 for BE/BA]
Dear mittyri,
More digging is required to solve this issue. It occurs because vncserver and Xsession are not terminated correctly during termination of GNURoot (when clicking to close the GNURoot console window). I've removed these files manually as well.
(I'm missing some other place where lock/pid files should be deleted)
There is a possibility to stop vncserver automatically upon exit, but it requires a correct number of screen (working in certain circumstances but not optimal solution)
File should be named ~/.bashrc (correct filename found!) and contain something like this:
Limitation of this solution:
- if display number changes - server should be stopped manually and
It should be possible to avoid this bug by addition of automatic removal of messing pid files at startup of GNURoot (before new vncserver is started), but I have not found the startup script yet.
Regards, VStus
❝ Dziękuję bardzo!
❝ I'm removing it manually, but is it possible to solve this problem automatically?
More digging is required to solve this issue. It occurs because vncserver and Xsession are not terminated correctly during termination of GNURoot (when clicking to close the GNURoot console window). I've removed these files manually as well.
USER=noroot vncserver -kill localhost:1
(Correct termination of vncserver. It should remove all lock files if vncserver is properly stopped before closing the GNURoot session as it correctly terminates vncserver and Xserver. Insert your display name)
rm /tmp/.X*
(removes X server lock files)
rm ~/.vnc/*.pid
(removes vncserver lock/pid files)(I'm missing some other place where lock/pid files should be deleted)
There is a possibility to stop vncserver automatically upon exit, but it requires a correct number of screen (working in certain circumstances but not optimal solution)
File should be named ~/.bashrc (correct filename found!) and contain something like this:
trap_exit() {
USER=noroot vncserver -kill localhost:1
trap trap_exit EXIT
Limitation of this solution:
command should be entered into console always BEFORE closing GNURoot session;- if display number changes - server should be stopped manually and
should be corrected.It should be possible to avoid this bug by addition of automatic removal of messing pid files at startup of GNURoot (before new vncserver is started), but I have not found the startup script yet.
Regards, VStus
Complete thread:
- Running R on Android: library(PowerTOST) VStus 2016-09-27 19:54 [🇷 for BE/BA]
- What about iOS DavidManteigas 2016-09-28 11:02
- R on iOS - only after jailbreak :( VStus 2016-09-28 14:31
- Generation Handy d_labes 2016-09-29 11:05
- Additional disclaimer and plans for future VStus 2016-09-29 11:16
- Additional disclaimer and plans for future Shuanghe 2016-09-30 09:19
- Additional disclaimer and plans for future VStus 2016-09-29 11:16
- Running R on Android: Notes and Questions mittyri 2016-10-02 21:27
- Running R on Android: correcting VNCserver startup errorVStus 2016-10-04 21:56
- What about iOS DavidManteigas 2016-09-28 11:02