GMR restrictions? [Conferences / Workshops]
Hi Helmut!
could you please explain this:
My little undestanding:
So not necessary that (GMR is inside 0.8-1.25)&(CIs are inside the limits)
May be I understtod something wrong, please feel free to correct me and criticize my code
could you please explain this:
❝ Statistically the GMR-restriction makes no sense indeed but I guess it will stay for a long time due to political reasons.
My little undestanding:
rs <- reg_const("EMA")
rs$pe_constr <- FALSE
GMR <- 0.7999
y1 <- data.frame(
N=integer(), Power=double(), LowerCI=double(), UpperCI=double()
n1 <- 80:150
for(i in seq_along(n1))
y1[nrow(y1)+1,] <-c(N=n1[i],
Power = power.scABEL(CV=0.5, n=n1[i], theta0=GMR, regulator=rs),
LowerCI=CI.BE(pe=GMR, CV=0.5, n=n1[i], design = "2x2x4")[1],
UpperCI=CI.BE(pe=GMR, CV=0.5, n=n1[i], design = "2x2x4")[2]
geom_point(aes(N, Power, colour = Power))+
geom_line(aes(N, LowerCI ), colour = "red")+
geom_line(aes(N, UpperCI), colour = "red")+
geom_hline(yintercept = 0.6984, color="red", size=3)+
ylab("The Power and CIs")+
ggtitle("CV = 50%, GMR = 79.99%")
So not necessary that (GMR is inside 0.8-1.25)&(CIs are inside the limits)
May be I understtod something wrong, please feel free to correct me and criticize my code

Kind regards,
Kind regards,
Complete thread:
- EUFEPS/AAPS meeting BRB 2016-09-20 19:12 [Conferences / Workshops]
- A long way to go… Helmut 2016-09-20 20:18
- GMR restrictions?mittyri 2016-09-21 00:32
- A long way to go… Helmut 2016-09-20 20:18