Garbage [Power / Sample Size]
Dear Lara,
forget this "gem" of science literature. It's simply crap. Don't believe even in comma of this paper. Throw it in a high arc into your waste bin.
Use instead:
Laszlo Tothfalusi and Laszlo Endrenyi
"Sample Sizes for Designing Bioequivalence Studies for Highly Variable Drugs"
J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci ( 15(1) 73 - 84, 2011
Online here.
The described simulation approach to get power/sample size is implemented in the R-package PowerTOST.
❝ Someswara Roa. K et al. "Sample Size Estimation for Highly variable drugs using reference scaled average bioequivalence criteria". International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 6 Issue 7, pp.5040-5045, July, 2015.
forget this "gem" of science literature. It's simply crap. Don't believe even in comma of this paper. Throw it in a high arc into your waste bin.
Use instead:
Laszlo Tothfalusi and Laszlo Endrenyi
"Sample Sizes for Designing Bioequivalence Studies for Highly Variable Drugs"
J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci ( 15(1) 73 - 84, 2011
Online here.
The described simulation approach to get power/sample size is implemented in the R-package PowerTOST.
Complete thread:
- Sample Size estimation for Replicate Cross over studies FDA or EMA criteria Lara 2016-02-10 00:46 [Power / Sample Size]
- Garbaged_labes 2016-02-10 08:34
- Ponzi scheme Helmut 2016-02-10 20:42
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- Education necessary d_labes 2016-03-07 11:20
- Dangerous nonsense Helmut 2016-03-07 14:21
- Clarifications to the Dangerous nonsense somu_korla 2016-03-09 08:17
- Absurd absurdity d_labes 2016-03-09 09:46
- Outright bizarre Helmut 2016-03-09 16:02
- Clarifications to Outright bizarre somu_korla 2016-03-10 08:44
- Science vs. fairy tales Helmut 2016-03-10 18:58
- Clarifications for Science vs. fairy tales somu_korla 2016-03-11 10:00
- Forlorne hope d_labes 2016-03-11 16:30
- Forlorne hope lechia 2016-08-05 22:52
- Forlorne hope nobody 2016-08-08 15:49
- Forlorne hope d_labes 2016-08-09 08:50
- Forlorne hope nobody 2016-08-08 15:49
- Forlorne hope lechia 2016-08-05 22:52
- Science vs. fairy tales Helmut 2016-03-10 18:58
- Clarifications to Outright bizarre somu_korla 2016-03-10 08:44
- Clarifications to the Dangerous nonsense somu_korla 2016-03-09 08:17
- Ponzi scheme sanketh.gupta 2016-03-07 06:21
- Ponzi scheme Helmut 2016-02-17 12:29