PK-Xpress: impressions [Software]
THX for your impressions. Does help a lot.
❝ ... Observations:
❝ ● Open port 80 (HTTP) during installation – pointing to IP; “enable the download of executable (.exe) file from web”. That’s a no-go for me.
For me too. Even at home and not at work. NSA is sending it's regards

❝ ● Eventually (!) there is a stand-alone installer. They were unsure about it…

❝ ● Requires Office 2007+ (Excel’s Solver Add-On). Didn’t manage to find out why. Back luck for people using OpenOffice, LibreOffice, or Office 2000 like myself. IMHO Solver is an undocumented piece of shit.
Really bizarre.
❝ ● Automatic algo for λz (based on max R²adj) may include tmax (like in WinNonlin <v6). However, manual selection of time range possible.
The last sentence allows myself to be consoled/comforted.
❝ ● Only linear trapezoidal method implemented.
❝ ● Extrapolation by Clast/λz. Not possible to use Ĉlast/λz.
❝ ● No partial AUCs.
Serious shortcomings.
❝ ...
❝ ● Given the above, no reference-scaling; working on replicate designs. They were surprised to hear [sic] that the FDA and EMA require different models.
I know! Europe is some miles away from "Hohes A" and "Ohrschinken". And EMA? Who is that?

❝ At the bottom of the webpage you will find
Validation Kit
Don't use that word val... if I'm beneath you

❝ I’ve sent them our reference datasets… On 31 July I received an e-mail:
As a part of data refining process, we are working on refining of BE program. As soon as this process is done we will work on the data provided by you and share the desired outputs.
Haven’t heart anything ever since.Sooner or later they have to take into account the Holy Grail

❝ ❝ Expense?
❝ ... Luv told me: 3,000 USD for each of DissoXpress, IvivcXpress, PK-Xpress. If you are going for whole package the cost would be even lesser. Yearly support charges: 20% of license cost per client. Much cheaper than Phoenix and slightly below Kinetica.
Compared with SAS this is a "Schnäppchen".
❝ Overall I would say it is an interesting product – which calls for further improvements. For NCA, not that bad.
Empasis by me. Lets watch it evolving.
❝ For BE-stats, no way.
As you know I'm doing all the stats in SAS. Therefore this is not so important for me.
It's a nightmare to answer to some posters which have mastered the [list][/list] construct in between the list points, especially if the list is also hierarchical. And some posters are using this to the excess

Another wish: If I adapt the edit area to greater dimensions and press than PREVIEW it shrinkens to it's standard size. Is it possible to change this behavior?
Complete thread:
- Ct curves from single dose to predict multiple dose d_labes 2015-10-08 19:57 [Software]
- Phoenix/WinNonlin: NonParametric Superposition Helmut 2015-10-08 21:02
- Ct curves from single dose to predict multiple dose yjlee168 2015-10-09 06:39
- Software for superposition d_labes 2015-10-09 08:46
- PK-Xpress: impressions Helmut 2015-10-09 14:23
- PK-Xpress: impressionsd_labes 2015-10-09 20:23
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML Helmut 2015-10-10 01:06
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML Ohlbe 2015-10-10 23:15
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML Helmut 2015-10-11 00:01
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML d_labes 2015-10-11 14:55
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML Ohlbe 2015-10-10 23:15
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML Helmut 2015-10-10 01:06
- PK-Xpress: impressionsd_labes 2015-10-09 20:23
- PK-Xpress: impressions Helmut 2015-10-09 14:23
- JGuiB Helmut 2015-10-09 13:16
- Software for superposition d_labes 2015-10-09 08:46