Software for superposition [Software]
Dear Yung-jin, dear Helmut,
many thanks for your tips.
@Yung-jin: I will take a closer look at
@Helmut: Kinetica? I beg you pardon ...
PK-Xpress seems (beside the spare information given) an "Eierlegende-Wollmilch-Sau". Anybody out there with experiences with that piece of software? Expense?
many thanks for your tips.
@Yung-jin: I will take a closer look at
if time allows. Unfortunately I have very tight time lines (till this evening!
@Helmut: Kinetica? I beg you pardon ...

PK-Xpress seems (beside the spare information given) an "Eierlegende-Wollmilch-Sau". Anybody out there with experiences with that piece of software? Expense?
Complete thread:
- Ct curves from single dose to predict multiple dose d_labes 2015-10-08 19:57 [Software]
- Phoenix/WinNonlin: NonParametric Superposition Helmut 2015-10-08 21:02
- Ct curves from single dose to predict multiple dose yjlee168 2015-10-09 06:39
- Software for superpositiond_labes 2015-10-09 08:46
- PK-Xpress: impressions Helmut 2015-10-09 14:23
- PK-Xpress: impressions d_labes 2015-10-09 20:23
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML Helmut 2015-10-10 01:06
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML Ohlbe 2015-10-10 23:15
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML Helmut 2015-10-11 00:01
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML d_labes 2015-10-11 14:55
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML Ohlbe 2015-10-10 23:15
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML Helmut 2015-10-10 01:06
- PK-Xpress: impressions d_labes 2015-10-09 20:23
- PK-Xpress: impressions Helmut 2015-10-09 14:23
- JGuiB Helmut 2015-10-09 13:16
- Software for superpositiond_labes 2015-10-09 08:46