Ct curves from single dose to predict multiple dose [Software]
Dear Detlew,
I assume that you want do following:
As Helmut said that there are some commercial or freeware software should do the same jobs. Freeware includes Boomer or ADAPT (required FORTRAN compiler).
Introducing PKfit if you prefer using R. The plots are created with PKfit. I am very happy to help if you are really interested in using PKfit. Hope this can help.
I assume that you want do following:
- to obtain PK parameters first from your single-dose Ct;
- to use known PK parameters to simulate multiple-dose in general simulations or Monte-Carlo simulations.
(with <= +/-10% uniform errors added to calc. Ct)
(20's MC simulations)
As Helmut said that there are some commercial or freeware software should do the same jobs. Freeware includes Boomer or ADAPT (required FORTRAN compiler).
❝ Does anybody knows any software to accomplish this task or has some code in f.i. R for superposition the concentration time curves after single dose application?
Introducing PKfit if you prefer using R. The plots are created with PKfit. I am very happy to help if you are really interested in using PKfit. Hope this can help.
All the best,
-- Yung-jin Lee
bear v2.9.2:- created by Hsin-ya Lee & Yung-jin Lee
Kaohsiung, Taiwan https://www.pkpd168.com/bear
Download link (updated) -> here
All the best,
-- Yung-jin Lee
bear v2.9.2:- created by Hsin-ya Lee & Yung-jin Lee
Kaohsiung, Taiwan https://www.pkpd168.com/bear
Download link (updated) -> here
Complete thread:
- Ct curves from single dose to predict multiple dose d_labes 2015-10-08 19:57 [Software]
- Phoenix/WinNonlin: NonParametric Superposition Helmut 2015-10-08 21:02
- Ct curves from single dose to predict multiple doseyjlee168 2015-10-09 06:39
- Software for superposition d_labes 2015-10-09 08:46
- PK-Xpress: impressions Helmut 2015-10-09 14:23
- PK-Xpress: impressions d_labes 2015-10-09 20:23
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML Helmut 2015-10-10 01:06
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML Ohlbe 2015-10-10 23:15
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML Helmut 2015-10-11 00:01
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML d_labes 2015-10-11 14:55
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML Ohlbe 2015-10-10 23:15
- OT: list limbo and (X)HTML Helmut 2015-10-10 01:06
- PK-Xpress: impressions d_labes 2015-10-09 20:23
- PK-Xpress: impressions Helmut 2015-10-09 14:23
- JGuiB Helmut 2015-10-09 13:16
- Software for superposition d_labes 2015-10-09 08:46