Bonferroni (three tests) [Regulatives / Guidelines]
I’m neither Sherlock Holmes nor do I own a crystal ball. I have no clue what was done in this study.
No idea. Concluding from the title to what was actually done might be misleading. I know one nitpicking Polish assessor regularly rejecting protocols for the title “A bioequivalence study…”. His argument is: The title should be “A comparative bioavailability study…”. Bioequivalence is the desired result.
I still hold that Bonferroni’s correction was applied because none of the other multiplicity corrections or adaptive methods (with interim analysis/es) would lead to such an α.
THX for mentioning my friend Jiří Hofmann’s presentation! In the future please don’t use a 300+ character link pointing to
-India but the URL of the document itself.
❝ I am not statistician, so i might be wrong. But as far as i understand if three test products are compared against the one reference product in a single study, then the study title shold be 4 treatment, four sequence (?).
I’m neither Sherlock Holmes nor do I own a crystal ball. I have no clue what was done in this study.
❝ It has been two treatemnt, two sequence in the title.
❝ Or they have removed the other test product results from the study and used the Bonferroni correction?
No idea. Concluding from the title to what was actually done might be misleading. I know one nitpicking Polish assessor regularly rejecting protocols for the title “A bioequivalence study…”. His argument is: The title should be “A comparative bioavailability study…”. Bioequivalence is the desired result.
I still hold that Bonferroni’s correction was applied because none of the other multiplicity corrections or adaptive methods (with interim analysis/es) would lead to such an α.
❝ One article that helped understand some aspects is article
THX for mentioning my friend Jiří Hofmann’s presentation! In the future please don’t use a 300+ character link pointing to
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Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
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The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
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Complete thread:
- Use of 96.7% CI instead of 90% CI pjs 2015-07-08 17:07 [Regulatives / Guidelines]
- Use of 96.7% CI instead of 90% CI ElMaestro 2015-07-08 17:29
- Bonferroni (three tests) Helmut 2015-07-09 00:43
- Bonferroni (three tests) pjs 2015-07-09 09:11
- Bonferroni (three tests)Helmut 2015-07-09 12:18
- Bonferroni (three tests) pjs 2015-07-09 09:11