Three-way crossover example data set [Design Issues]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2007-09-18 14:47 (6205 d 05:29 ago) – Posting: # 1092
Views: 33,079

Dear Amilcar!

❝ Thank you very much for your help. The correct codification of "sequences/periods" is the key for this problem. Unfortunately the link to download the SAS files was not working. I hope it can be solve in a near future.

Please try it again (it worked yesterday, and today as well): CRC’s website
Having downloaded the file, unzip it keeping folder's structure; in folder [chapter4] you will find: (the SAS code)
Example45.SSC (the S+ code)
exam45.dat (the raw data for S+)

As I get from the SAS-code a mixed model (degrees of freedom according to Kenward) was used, whereas WinNonlin uses Satterthwaite's method.
The S+ code does not calculate BE, but is used for the example’s figures only.

Edit: Wrong link corrected in both posts. [Helmut]

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