Three-way crossover BABE Studies [Design Issues]

posted by acfalcao – 2007-09-17 00:34 (6203 d 19:45 ago) – Posting: # 1082
Views: 36,574

Dear All

My name is Amilcar Falcão and I am professor at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. I am looking for help regarding the execution and interpretation of three-way cross-over bioequivalence trials (for academic purposes).

I would like to have an example (explicit) where a three-way crossover study is appropriately analysed. Namely, I would like to know what kind of ANOVA should be performed and how the 90%CI should be calculated for the different combinations of study formulations (i.e. A vs B and A vs C). Perhaps this is a naive question, but in fact I am trying to look for it in literature and I have seen different approaches always without the adopted statistical pathway. Therefore, I would like to be sure regarding the correct way to deal with.

I strongly appreciate if you could help me about this matter.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards; :-)

Amílcar Falcão
Laboratory of Pharmacology
Faculty of Pharmacy
University of Coimbra
Coimbra - Portugal

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