Calculation of AUC0-72 [NCA / SHAM]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2009-01-26 18:20 (5853 d 19:27 ago) – Posting: # 3126
Views: 31,671

Dear D. Labes,

❝ I am with you if the values in the last part of the concentration time course are <LOQ. But I think it's different with missing values (vial broken or so) especially in case of long half life drugs.

If a value is missing – or even came up as <LOQ in repeated analyses – and is included within values which are clearly (!) above LOQ I routinely substitute such a value by a (log)interpolated estimate. I have such a procedure since decades (oh, I’m getting old) in my protocols, and never got any problems.

❝ Because time points are spread occasionally with 24h in the last part, there may be a considerable portion of AUC missing.

This wouldn’t bother me as long as Clast ≥2–4 times tmax.

❝ ❝ I wouldn’t start trying to get an estimate of C72.

❝ Is this sentence then furthermore your opinion?


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